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DanishDadGamer – World of Warcraft PVP EXPOSED part 2

I long been working on this project, where i shed a light on PVP in WoW, and the cheating going on.
This happens on all levels of the game, and i hope with this video, i can spread some awareness on it, and together we can work towards ending it.
Cheating has always been there, but has since the introduction of solo pvp in Dragonflight, turned to a epidemic.

This is part 2, and i have put in a little more videos, + the old ones for those of you who haven’t seen part 1.
Since part 1 things have actually gotten worse ( I don’t know how it is possible) and beside MMR and rating changes there is nothing about it from Blizzard. My point of these videoes is to spread the awareness to not only stop the people doing it, but also stop my favorite aspect of the game from dying.
I Have tons of video material with this happening ( Pretty easy to get since it is EVERY SINGLE solo pvp experience ) They don’t even hide it anymore, they are just full blown cheating.
I don’t even think it is ppl playing anymore, but rotation bots, scripts, wintrading and gatekeeping done by rotation bots.
The good thing about bots, is the patterns and movement keep happening, therefore i hope you will all record your Solo PVP games to help stop it.
If you have video’s of the same happening to you, i recommend you send it too:
If you think something is suspicious, always report, so we can get these things shut down faster.
Better safe then sorry 👍🏻
Hopefully soon blizzard will react, and come up with a solution..
Until that happens, all we can do is continue putting awareness out, and report.
Thanks for watching, make sure to follow my channels for future updates and videos!



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  1. This seems like rather a stretch… I cant really explain the the first warrior clip maybe he was just hoping for a lucky interrupt because he was storming? but all the others could easily be them using a script to juke and get precog. I think it's kinda wild to assume all 5 players are working together to make you lose.

  2. All add-ons and all macro should be banned from the game , imo if Blizzard can't introduce their own shit , I don't want it , from the TOS if someone use an add-ons and give him an advantage and you don't , it's cheating !!! Cheating is defined as : someone is using something to have an advantage over you !

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