0:00 Bye Bye Dark Aether
0:07 Activate the Aether Device
0:20 Jet Gun Tutorial
1:37 L.T.G Device
2:09 First Canister
3:04 Straus Device/Aether Turrets
3:45 Second Canister
4:09 Boss Fight Prep
4:25 Boss Fight
-The colors on the Straus steps are just the opposite of what pop on up on the readers. If your device is showing green, the color to set the turrets to is red and vice versa. If the reader is yellow, set it to yellow. Both playthroughs our readers were dead ass both yellow.
If you’re stuck on the second canister step, head back to the top of the Alamo and pick up another device. My teammate in our game picked one up but never said anything.
My apologizes for the inconveniences the Terminus guide will be flawless
0:39 by the way for this you just need to look for one zombie he drops the item no need to kill zombies he has like a farmer type look to him
So, uh…. I beaten the easter egg, but I died before i can get the ending
But it's fine because i still got the achievement.
you can suck the little dolls in the comic store with the gun, No idea what that's for
Finished it w this ty
So far. I LOVE where bo6 went. Perfect blend between bo3 and cold war. Not perfect by any means… buuuuuut
btw. You don't kill 20 zombies in the cloud for the key – you kill the groundskeeper that spawns here and there.
Hello! Please add to your pinned comment that if they can't get the 2nd HVT to spawn, to pick up the LTG from the first storm location and move it to the 2nd location! I spent a long time thinking the game bugged
Anyone else not seeing the opening cutscene in Liberty Falls, just get thrown into the map round 1 thats it.
Why was I unable to get a second aether canister??
The tool shed key always drops from special groundskeeper zombie at the graveyard. I think he spawns in once you've opened up access to each part of the map. Also the water valve part spawns on top of the hose spicket at the flower shop but has a huge pick up radius. You can also get a mangler to open the video store if you can make them hit the door dead on. We're back baby!
Breh no wonder this EE was done in less than 2 hours lmfaooo…
F all that
Nothing happened when setting up the lights
do the super bosses need to be killed with the trap?
Ran into a bug where i have all the parts for the jet gun but says im missing components to craft it
I beat it Day 1 because of you my dude keep it up!
Just beat it because of you. Thank You So Much Man!!!!!!
The third ltg part is not spawning for me
the Tap form the Flower Shop is LITERALLY on top of the hose, not on the Bench… you can see it in the game and when you take it disappears into your inv, no offense but you rushed so fast you are misleading a lot of peeps… The Groundskeeper Zombie is whre you get Key from it runs away from you so need to go hunt it down.
Also truck… that's a Bus my dude…
He speedran showing. Like more just wanted to get this out instead of actually taking the time.
Numerous steps need to be edited in this guide
got some kinda glitch where we got stuck on the last step before the boss fight
What’s up with the second canister why isn’t it popping up after we did the turrets
The second canister is glitched at the church.
Nevermind it isn't glitch this guy just didn't add it in the video. When your first HVT is killed go back to the first storm. You need to pick the LTG back up.
for the final part, the amount of bosses scales on your team size, did it solo and only 1 mega abom
Terrible Guide
1:58 ayo
One step was wrong for the color you match the three thing the what color of the drill in the spawn locations not what the the little phone say
I was stuck killing zombies on that first cloud for fucking ever. Dont post a video if you dont even know how to do it…..
You can’t do this solo
Terrible Guide
why can't I place cainstyer in graveyard?
for those curious the final encounter fight is scaled with players in your game, just did it solo and had to do one wave with the one elite mangler and then a second with just the one elite abomination and i was done
This easter egg is HOT ASS not because of the steps but because of HOW GOD DAMN BUGGY THEY ARE!
for some stupid reason the aether trap near the church just doesn't work for the canisters
if that's not the case then the mangler hvt is just bugged and doesn't like being sucking into a tube.
you dont explain where half the stuff is on the map, for maps that havent been out for a full 24 hours yet, terrible guide.
Yea sir just beat it on solo !! What a rush !!

are you supposed to get a dark ops for completing this?
I cant place my second canister
Edit: you need to pick up the device from the first storm the enable the placement of the second
I get the achievement, but I dont get the cutscene, Why?
I can’t figure out how to put the canister in the holder… got the first one but the second one won’t go in