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11.0.5 FINAL Class Change UPDATE

11.0.5 FINAL Class Change UPDATE


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  1. Mage and Priest were OP before these changes, now they will be ultra GOD level. They were unkillable before, now it will be even harder. Venruki will be very happy.

  2. I really thought a lot and could really found the reason why blizzard is buffing already buffed classes ? Hunter is shredding everyone and they still buff them ?! O_o why for what? anyone has any logical explanation ? p lease

  3. Super disappointing changes. Would love to see any initiative on Blizzard leadership side to balance classes. Nothing new from Blizzard. Just rotational good classes where they want their subscribers to boost new characters, gear, and enjoy for 2 weeks before they rotate to the next. Rinse and Repeat. $$$$$$$

  4. appreciate your content but…

    ele sham keybind reduction? dps rotation abilities: frost shock, cl, lb, lava burst, earth shock, flame shock, earthquake, primordial wave, ascendance, stormkeeper, magma totem -> procs: tempest, icefury, rng maelstrom refund. legit nowhere to add more keybinds after totems, defensive, pots, etc. pretty sure damage in raid going to be lower too with latest SoP change.

    blizzard logic: more complicated = less damage.

    dk: mash 3-4 buttons = top dps

  5. Completely erased sub rogues from the face of earth lol
    Most classes got buffed up while subs got nerfed … only top players could make sub work with good teams.
    For lower bracket players sub rogue already doesn't offer much and now even less taking in consideration it got nerfed while other classes buffed. Why any lower bracket player would even think playing sub when there's so many better options.
    Even now many top players rerolled to feral .. in 11.0.5 even more.

    lmao smhhh straight nonsense

  6. Whoever is directing the nerfs to warrior needs to be fired. I get it that its PVE oriented changes but why the hell would you not simultaneously tune spells in accordance to PvP ex. "does not apply to pvp combat". There are so many issues with the class in its current state its disgusting.

  7. Honestly I loved the expansion at start but the constant back and forth every week with the changes put me off and I’ve moved to other games for now. I came to check how things are moving but I see it’s just as it was.

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