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Any one want to do this together
How ppl figure this out boggles my puny brain.
Proud to say this is my first ever easter egg that I have completed
Multiphasic Injectah
For those who don't want to spend the 5K for the code @ 2:05 – 2:20, you can match the symbols on the computers that you turned on (they will appear on the sticky notes) with the boards in the background;
Here's the example in this video
Find the symbol, that correspondes to the right letter, with the number on the left as the first digit, and number at the bottom as the second digit
X = 11, Y = 20, Z=21
Now substitute those numbers into the equations and you'll get the code
1. 2 x 11 + 11 = 33
2. (2 x 21 + 20 ) – 5 = 57
3. (20 + 21) – 11= 30
TL;DR pay the 5K, no one wants to do math in game!
This video points you in the right direction but way too rushed through. Missing too much detail
Just got the boss to half health and game crashed…. ON TOP OF THAT I GOT ZERO XP !!!
This is the most divided I've seen people with a zombies mode
Where do I find that boat?
My lobby of 4 all had PAP guns and we had 2 wonderweapons and found the first boss impossible. We were literally fighting for around 25 mins and didn’t even take 10% of its health. Was our game just bugged?
Noticed that step
This one seems a bit harder than liberty ee
FYI my clock clearly showed 2-3 o’clock but the correct option was 1 o’clock
Anyone having trouble with getting him to give the option to buy the code for 5000 after putting injector in had it happen in 6 games in a row
Notice me senpai! Know that I was there when you were explaining SOE Easter egg
I was able to beat the Easter egg Tysm for you’re help this video is awesome
I looked litterally everywhere many many times and I could not for the life of me find that extra floating thing, ruined my whole run
Is this harder or easier than liverty falls lol
anyone else having trouble getting the guy to just give you the answers to the code. I'm having trouble. Guess it must be bugged.
A hard drive didn’t even pop out and my random teammates were fucking ass. I get placed with the dumbest teammates
What if the playing card number is an Ace???
Love the channel man but fuck me go in third person or some shit the bomb step step I had to keep rewinding to see the bomb location ran out of pause time and they exploded, my piss is at a boiling point right now as I speak/type
This boss fight was a ton of fun and felt really elating to complete. I think Treyarch did good this time.
just wasted my time setting it all up for the tentacle trap to not drop anything
Honest to god im not good enough for this anyone willing to carry? 😭