This is HOW TO SNIPE in Call of Duty Black Ops 6.. The Ultimate Guide to BO6 Sniping, including the BEST Sniper settings, tips, tricks & movement, all to help improve your skills!
00:00 My BEST Sniping clip
00:37 BO6 Snipers are BROKEN
01:02 Centering & crosshair placement
02:37 These attachments are a MUST
03:35 This perk feels like cheating
04:25 A few MAJOR problems
05:03 Controller Settings
07:52 Graphics & Audio
08:57 SECRET Settings
#CallOfDuty #COD #BlackOps6 #BO6
I'm up for the challenge. Even if it's difficult, it's making sniping a clip feel like a fine art again.
put your sensitivity to max, i was doing horrible until i changed that
Why does it feel like snipers are easier than ar's sometimes? These maps are garbage.
when are they going to fix the snipers?
5on was super clean, love how challenging this game is, you’re gonna stand out this year Spratt
Insane people STILL do hackusation on a game that just released officially. Get good or just uninstall and never play again. If Spratt is "cheating", then I'm cheating and I don't even know how to load up cheats :S
How does this have only 15k views? This has been the single video I’ve been anticipating anxiously since the game dropped! Quality content as always
i find this game awfully easy for some reason, i have a 2.6 kd, ive had two nukes and already got diamond AR's lol, going to be a good year, cant wait for dark matter so i can get sniping
SPRATT! What do you think about the extra scope wabble that you get when installing rapid fire?? Also what do you think about the quick draw attachment? Does it just cancel out your heavy stock, as the quick draw adds the same flinch? Or is that wrong?
You're an actual G for showing all the in-depths of your settings, even with things like color correction. This game is easily the hardest COD to snipe on since I've been on the grind imo, but your tips will go a long way to making them genuinely usable
It’s very odd that they didn’t have a fast bolt sniper at launch.
I miss coldwar sniping so much
Thanks for the tips. I will keep playing MW3
If sniping is broken I will save some money 
I know I say this every single year but it’s true, something for all skill levels in this video. Always well done, and always appreciated!
The virgin sweat vs the thunder CHAD sniper. W SPRATT
I definitely dont hold my breath with every shot i take, but i find toggle hold breath is LIGHTYEARS better than hold.
They're literally making up problems to solve with attachments
love the content Spratt, thanks!
That ALL i need in this vídeo…TKS spratt you are Very good sniper player
Let’s goooo
Snipping is not the same as bo2-3-4 and CW. This feels more like mw snipping
U tried setting your crosshair to static? was a game changer for me
Are you in a bot lobby or something…wtf
goat cod yter
why not the strelok laser ?
I'm still upset they took out the aim assist types. I was a huge fan of using "Precision" it made sniping feel so good
Would highly suggest the strelok laser if you want to actually quickscope/blackscope
Something just seems off with sniping for me. Always been good at sniping but i just cant hit any of my shots with these snipers
Great stuff as always
I sniped for the first time today since I got the game and I was ASS BUT I LOVE THIS GAME
aweeel baby we’re back the good ole Black Ops dayssss imma have to become elite on this game
I’ve missed a good cod. Always sick to see you and Pamaj still doing yall thing though James, you guys have been on this journey for a long time. We were still kids playing mw2 1v1ing on rust back in the days when I first came across and met you guys. It’s just so beautiful to still be blessed to do what we enjoy at older ages. Cheers man and enjoy the franchise!