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Pointless Top 10: NPCs You Should Know About in World of Warcraft

NPCs You Should Know About in WoW | Pointless Top 10
Crocky Plush!
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  1. Huh. For some reason I always assumed Tabatha was Aegwynn in disguise. Like, assumed it to the point that I didn't realize it wasn't common knowledge and just my assumption.

  2. first lady, Hag-chan she is forgotten about because the people who made her don't work at the company and the current people who work at the company, don't play wow. They play FF14

  3. That magician in Dal is the source of an awesome, pointless toy: Akazamzarak's Spare Hat from the Mage quest: Down the Rabbit Hole. But once you get the toy all your toons can do the trick. Tabetha is very important to Mages. And Zanzils mixture was the most mind numbing drop rate in the game. Also somehow I have Jorins eye patch in my mog set. Use it on my NE Hunter. I thought it was so cool I pack ratted it. Not sure if it's still available, can't recall how I got it other than it was a long quest chain.

  4. It's so funny to me that crendor started incorporating lore into these videos after a good chunk of the wow community gave up on the lore.

    The only wow lore vids I watch anymore are crendors 💀

  5. I love the concept of an incredibly powerful wizard pretending to be a sleight of hand artist. Something about using UNLIMITED COSMIC POWERS to pull a rabbit out of a hat is hilarious to me.

  6. I always wonder, do you do research for these top 10 or are you just cursed with pointless WoW knowledge and already have a rough idea of what you're going to put in there before going in? (yhea I know weird phrasing)

  7. Something else to note about Tabitha, she seems to be extremely skilled at placing and removing demons from powerful orbs. She is involved in 2 different quests to one warlock class quest and one mage class quest that has her exorcise powerful demons from orbs. And mentions her history with the warlock meenara voidrender.

  8. Lol i find it hilarious how no one in azeroth realises how dangerous akamzarak is…. One mistake from the goblin and azeroth will turn into outland…
    After all its canon in legion that illidan used portal magic to destroy Nathreza… And that was a single portal…this guy opens 8 at once

  9. 7:29 I just wish thr Dwarf who Punched Deathwing was a different dwarf from Theldurin, because ANY Dwarf can tell a drunken tall tale. But Vanilla Theldurin was a really cool haunted paranoid ex-twilight cultist in vanilla, and that was somwthing unique and cool that writer Dave Kossak chose to remove RIGHT AS WE GOT AN EXPACK ANOUT THE TWILIGHT CULT!

  10. 4:47 I like how Zanzil and some of his zombies even in Cata use a odel from the WoW ALPHA intended for Forest trolls (that shares animation with the forest and ice and shadow trolls from wc3!!) It makes them very buff for Jungle trolls, and honestly has a cooler sharper face than thr Burning Crusade Zul Aman version of Forest trolls too.

  11. It's funny – as a dyed in the wool "resident" of Southshore until it got nuked, the second I saw him onscreen in this video I instinctively growled, "F*** you, Helcular!"

  12. Inside the booty bay statue in the treasure is a large black diamond ring toy. I've had that toy equipped on my DH for as long as I've had the ring. Yes you can see it on the character, it's literally huge.

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