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The Worst Movement Mistake You Can Make in Black Ops 6

OMNIMOVEMENT GUIDE in Black Ops 6 | Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Omnimovement Tutorial in Black Ops 6!

Black Ops 6 Gameplay in Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Gameplay EARLY! get ready for black ops 6 TODAY with best Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 beta gameplay, stay tuned for black ops 6 class setups, classes. Hope you enjoy!
Call of Duty: Black Ops 6


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The Worst Movement Mistake You Can Make in Black Ops 6

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  1. UPDATE: I have changed to “automatic sprint” with single tap run rather than “automatic tactical sprint” like I have in this video. I changed this because the sprint-to-fire from tac sprint is way longer than from normal sprint

  2. 3:52 if you use your sprint button first, then jump, much more reliable. To get more consistent side to prone, tap side then hold the prone/crouch button (sometimes holding down side won't prone if used too much in quick succession) this will also shorten your distance for side to prone. Give it a go and let me know how it goes. Well done on the editing for this one!

  3. Didn't realise how much different movements they were in cod untill I watched this😅 Definitely gotta fight fire with fire and adapt. I'm using hybrid setting as we speak definitely helps with the drop shots thanks for the video

  4. the thing i've noticed the most in this game is that movement is really good for giving you a shot at fighting back against op's you aren't looking at when they started shooting. but really bad against good tracking players. sure if you're both top tier i'm sure it makes a huge difference making them miss 1 or 2 but alot of this movement is about surprise or close quarters movement

  5. The movement tech requiring the jump was never like this in beta. Reason is cuz they nerfed it potentially. Tried doing it cuz i remember it being a bunny hop tech but sadly there's a strong jump delay. You can still spam but that's the reason why you need to spam.

  6. Strafing to the right has strongest aim assist by the way boys not left. And for the dive cancel backwards try to land close to the top of steps if you do it by them to do it as fast as possible.

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