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This is.. BLACK OPS 6 SNIPING! (EARLY BO6 GAMEPLAY). The NEW Call of Duty is here, so let’s rank up, unlock some camos and level up all the sniper rifles that BO6 has to offer!

#CallOfDuty #COD #BlackOps6 #BO6

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  1. Time to keep an eye on Spratt again to see how BO6 is gonna do the coming days. Holding my money in the bank until it's clear this isn't gonna be such massive fucking fumble again. Really enjoyed Cold War as previous BO installment, let's see if this will be any decent.

  2. I've never played cod(dont start a war pls) but I've always been watching cod content since like B02 and i absolutely kike it. Now we know that in the recent years cod hasn't been looking good and the last good cod was mw19. Now bo6 feels like that golden era is coming vack and cod is feeling better than before!!

  3. I respect the skill in sniping but it seriously makes me rage as a reg gunner. So annoying to get 3 shots on someone only to get insta pinged.

    Keep making people rage! It's fun to watch.

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