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World of Warcraft: You CANT BE MAD at Blizzard if the PLAYERS ACT THIS WAY

Yeah, the $90 mount in “World of Warcraft: The War Within” has stirred quite a bit of controversy among players. Many feel it’s too expensive for a cosmetic item, especially considering the game’s subscription model. Some argue that it sets a concerning precedent for future monetization in the game. Others feel it’s just a way to fund continued development but are frustrated that it detracts from the game’s core experience. Have you been following the reactions?
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  1. If you do not make fake drama you Have no content. All youtubers from WoW comunity do the same bullcrap. If you Have 90 dollars And you want to spent them on mount do IT. If you do not don't do IT. Problém solved. I farmed gold because i enjoy Farming gold having that mount for 1.8 mil gold. If I Did not want to spend them on mount i would not. Is this na issue? Is this a thing worth to make fights over this and making stupid no sense videos about? I am sure IT IS not. Wanna mount ? Buy .. don't you wanna ? Don't you buy. GG

  2. Why crying about this?? its not a PTW move. LMAO!!! Just don't buy.. it will be gone on Jan 6th. This is for people that can't spend Gold Cap for a AH mount cause they don't have gold to spare. Some people still brought this with their in game gold which cost them nothing. And to your point " Want you gonna do if Blizz charges $$ to unlock M+ content.." LMAO that will only happen when the monthly charges are gone and WOW is truly Free to play. that might happen on WoW final dying legs.

  3. its still cheaper than the last AH mount, this week alone i have farmed 3 tokens, there is no excuse to hate it or be mad, get your money up do some chores and stop moaning, the takes on this mount are crazy,

  4. I bought the badass dwarf on a gryphon statue in a heartbeat and would never in a million years get this absolute cash grab. Like you said, I can't display this proudly in my living room.

  5. Yes you can, Blizzard/Microsoft decided to create this, they are like heroin dealers dangling a fix over a junkie. They know full well what they are doing and your excuses on behalf of them mean NOTHING!

  6. WoW audience are not gamers. They don't like games. That's why WoW does not have any meaningful gameplay, that's why it's a very lazy design. It does not have to be a good game because it's audience does not want to play a game. They are just normal people who like collecting useless stuff after work to have something they can show off with. Like another flowerpot for their kitchen or a 10th coffee cup or a…mount in WoW. That's the audience, maybe they liked games when they were younger but they grew out of it and they are the same average dads as everyone else now. The nerds, people who actually like this fantasy, gaming stuff were always a minority. And it has not changed. We just moved to other games that are still somewhat good.

  7. I have absolutely no fckn idea why anybody (except those players who had the original bruto maybe) would be offended by the new mount. Buy it nobody cares, don´t buy it nobody cares. you dont need it, it only makes your auctioning easier. Only thing that would make me actually mad is if they were selling it for a low price. That would actually hurt the game

  8. It's an issue about self control. If blizz turn WoW into a p2w gacha game now, blizz will earn a lot more money in the short term, investors will be happy, and the game will have more microtransactions, and the game will die eventually due to this. This only way this can be avoided is the developer having self control to not add p2w microtransactions ever.

  9. old one cost originaly about 200-250$ and now even more like 550-600$, so this one is cheap. Only question I have why Bliz didnt put it for 5mil gold at npc like last one for the whole tww season?

  10. Who cares what he thinks anymore? I don't think anyone is actually buying the mount I think they are buying tokens for bnet balance with gold instead or at least the majority are which is why the token market crashed.

  11. lmao.. bro is literally crying and begging for people not to buy a mount in a online game… this mount is nothing but a cosmetic. You still have ah and mailbox on major cities, if you dont want to buy then just dont buy it.. it wont affect your game in any way. "Oh BuT YoU cAn SeLl AnD bUy FrOm AnYwHErE AnD SaVE TiMe.." stop being such a bitch dude. Wow players are the most annoying piece of garbages ive ever seen on the internet. You guys complain about EVERYTHING THE ENTIRE TIME. Nothing is good for you guys, at this point just stop playing the fucking game and move on dude. Holy shit.. So fucking annoying…..

  12. i think most people buy it with gold, and the ones who haven't yet… You only need to make like 30k gold per day give or take to get the mount by the time it is removed. 30k is absolutely nothing.

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