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Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 – The Rook Safe Code: Piano Puzzle Guide

The first safe you’ll encounter in the Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 campaign is during the main mission, The Rook: Arrival, and you’ll need to solve the safe code combination to open it. Scattered around the safehouse are a series of clues and puzzles that will eventually lead you to a radio recording, which reveals the combination. The safe is housed in a bedroom on the top level of the safe house.
In this guide, you’ll get a step-by-step walkthrough and solutions to solve every puzzle to open The Rook safe puzzle in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 .

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  1. 7218 is the code if you get the one talking about: “Mother returned home with the cereal and erased the shopping list off the chalkboard, after forgetting purse she got to sweeping.” You’re welcome.

    “She stood in the dim light of the lamp, weeping at the family crest. Somewhere nearby, folk music played from a record. The girls tears fell to the rug below…
    CODE : 1958 😊
    Took me 45 mins to figure it out 😞💀

  3. This puzzle was quite a surprise for me. It was complex, yet simple. Fortunately for me, Id been studying a bit of Russian just to be able to search for bands that I like. The "Do Re Mi" was wayyyy smoother than I had anticipated.

    Edit: through this vid, i realized that this could have been wayyy easier.😂😂😂 😂😂😂

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