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#warzone #callofduty #blackops6
Tags: black ops 6,call of duty,warzone,icemanisaac,warzone academy,bo6,cod bo6,call of duty black ops,black ops guide,black ops tips & tricks,black 6 how to,black ops 6 level up faster,black ops how to rank up faster,black ops level up quicker,blacks ops how to max level weapons,blacks ops level up guns,black ops double xp,black ops earn more xp,black ops quicker xp level,black ops how to prestige faster,black ops how to rank up weapons,black ops 6 guide
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Kill order definitely needs the score and game timer to increase, it was too short of a gamemode. The gamemode definitely has some potential
i really wish we could track these challenges and things like camo challenges
10:10 Unfortunately, for some reason Treyarch has removed the XP bonus from decoy grenades. I don't understand why they completely removed it instead of just nerfing it, lol.
FYI HC is 30% HP not 1% but still get lots of hit markers.
I heard they nerfed the decoy granade XP gains
Great stuff as usual Isaac, thank you.
Kill confirmed does not give XP as in previous titles (+XP per cofnirm), its significantly less.
What do you think is the best perks etc for playing hardcore?
Video starts at 4 mins after he pumps ads and spam rants. Fuck this guy dislike don’t subscribe
Im not sure this works anymore. Looking at the guns after using them in different patches the objectives dont seem to be giving that great of XP.
I watched dreamstrikes video the other day and his findings were kills give us much much more xp compaired playing objective this COD.
Appreciated the deicated ps5 settings vid. 👌
Levelling guns is taking hours ha I still haven’t done one yet
Sounds all good, exept that there is now way to use XP tokens on playstation. atleast not for me. buggy game wow
Idk bout you man but i have 3 receipts for monsters all have 3 on it and after i did the first one it now tells me im unable to upload any receipts and ive waited 24 hrs to do each receipt but everytime i try to get just my second one done the pictures wont get accepted
Typical, spend money on a heart attack inducing garbage drink to get do tokens 😂 you sad sad little fools.
I really appreciate your efforts! Just a quick off-topic question: My OKX wallet holds some USDT, and I have the seed phrase. (alarm fetch churn bridge exercise tape speak race clerk couch crater letter). How should I go about transferring them to Binance?
Your goated bruhh just came on the channel definitely subscribing 🙏
Video starts at 3:55.
Skip everything until then, save yourself 4min of your life. You’re welcome.
Isaac your videos are amazing Mann, we truly appreciate you. From the bots to the seasoned warzone veterans. Booked fps hub cause of you!!
I leveled up quick. But it cost me artery clogging and i have been awake for days.
I’ve seen similar videos but no one explained it as clear and concise as you. Thanks for the info!
What's the rush ? Why all the content creators are pushing the limits on leveling fast and getting prestige 1, 2 etc. Enjoy the f…g game and play for fun and leveling will come too!!
I tried your pc settings vid on BO6. Completely changed the way I play now. Thank you for this.
Why does it seem like i keep mountibg everytime i ads but i have turned off
Why can’t I use any of my XP Tokens????!!!!
I’d buy the endowment PAck but nothing else. Waste of $. Constant money vacuum…
How the hell are you able to get more than one level after a single game?! (or even 2,5 like in this video) Even with all perks aligned, 2 million thrown decoys, 300 uavs popped and finishing first place by around 4000 more xp than the others im maybe getting 1/4th of one level, usually less?!
@icemanissac All the cheating scumbag streamers together two-boxing and changing country via proxy to NZ time zone. Lulz..Great role models for the lil kids playing these games are your "buddies".
I’ve actually enjoyed the multiplayer
I wish for warzone they didn’t integrate and just make it new without any old stuff
This worked great until… activated the xp token, gained a ton of exp, token ended… and I gained negative 300,000 exp and it reset all my guns to level one. Even ones I hadn’t used while the token was active. Everything reset as if I had prestige’d even though I didn’t
Does all this apply to weapon xp?
I love your videos & contents brother !! ❤️❤️
Miss the days back when playing on verdansk.
Was so fun !
Hopefully to get that vibe again soon March 2025 ❤️
God bless bro
Woke trash game
I hate black ops 6 they have taken the gun out of the game
I hope next Oct they go back Sees I get worse each year I would love to go back to 2017 again lol
Anyone else use the monster promotion and once you entered code got the weapon blue prints and operator skins, but not the XP? It didn’t gift me the XP but everything else it didn
It's all absolutely bullshit. Everyone of these guys are using VPNed lobbied and 2boxing to get easy lobbies. Activision knows it and allows it. At this point they might aswell just take sbmm out of the game.
The decoy grenade XP cheese is one of my favorites 😂