This are the top 5 most overpowered weapons in Black Ops 6 right now. In this video I will also give you tips and tricks on how to use this meta weapons effectively against both hoards of zombies and bosses and how to get to the high rounds using them.
Make sure you use this 5 overpowered weapons to make Black Ops 6 Zombies a lot easier.
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Top 5 OVERPOWERED Weapons To Use In Black Ops 6 Zombies
00:00 Intro
00:51 Number 5
02:03 Number 4
04:05 Number 3
06:18 Number 2
08:20 Number 1
10:27 Outro
#bo6 #cod

35 5 1 minute read
Make sure you smash the like and subscribe button for more and let me know down bellow your top 5 guns in BO6 Zombies!
My guy, slap some napalm rounds in that asg with drum mag and rapid fire and your gonna get alot farther, that asg carried me to round 48
The KSV SMG is absolutely broken. It shreds single pap at level 30. Triple pap is good until about 80.
2:25 who control?!
These are some pretty coll woapens
What was the ak build u were using?
Make sure you stay to see the 1st place weapon !! …. 5 seconds later here's the 1st weapon ….
Does the semi auto shotgun with slugs when pap does it shoot multiple slugs t a time like slugs did in mwz?
Bro showed 2 snipers but didn't showcase the best sniper 🤦 the sniper he left out does 40-60k headshot/ crit damage and has crazy bullet pen
Life good til it get nerfed😂
Im using bug smasher… its my gold gun.
My record is 48 but I haven’t tried too much because I’m camo grinding. I haven’t used ray gun and jet gun combo yet. Round 50 would be a breeze with those
5. AK47
4. ASG shotgun
3. GS45 pistol
2. SVD
1. LR 762 sniper
saved you 10 minutes of your life
The ASG gains rapid fire when its packapunched
I play COD since COD WAW and I always Use a good LMG with the biggest magazin with about 200 Bullets 😅 the Fast reload and you are very good powerd
The LR is op, love it, thanks for the recommendation. The recoil is nuts
Getting 2 explosive weapons and 1 regular gun by using the 3 weapon trick makes everything easier too
Thank u thank u thank u 🙏
GS45 should be 1 or 2
ASG shotgun has special pap ability, its crazy how nobody noticed it yet
Got that last sniper for beating the EE n it was already red rarity. Decided to pack it n I was very very happy 😂
Nothing like a EE spoiler 1min into the fucking video
Can someone please list the weapons
You guys should try the Kompact smg. Super fast fire rate and thing is a monster with pap
Where the hell is mustang
No, you were right on the ags shotty, you can get the rapid fire attachment for it
Just use the gun your fav in Multip. Mystic Gold camo looks sooo good
Okay, but hear me out!
The knife!!
If you regularly upgrade or/and pack-a-punch it it will 2-3 shot manglers and one shot every regular zombie. Mixed in with some decent perks and okay understanding with how to run, it is ez pz mode.
Of course have other weapons because it does struggle against the abomination and amalgamation, but with other people you can easily take care of most other enemies. I did this while in a squad of four, and was still 2 shotting manglers at round 32. Only problems ever arise from the bosses (amalgams and abomination)
"this gun wont do much damage past round 30" i got to round 50 last night just using the ak 74 😂😂
mustang and sally on top ngl first thing i did was max out the gs45 so i could dual wield
Could you do a video where what is the best gun for camo grinding?
Did they nerf the ASG-89? It's doing barely no damage for me.
Why are you spoiling with the terminus Easter egg 🙁
Guns are amazing maps are amazing i just hope for this CoD they keep it going with great maps as the past 3-4 cods have been dogwater for maps
We need stronger ammo mods for high rounds because being reliant on wonder weapons past round 60 is annoying, it’s great them being good and able to kill but it’s going to make high rounds boring when only 2 weapons can take you there, it’s either buff ammo mods to help the weaker weapons or introduce high tier pap that are only able to be placed on normal guns and not wonder weapons to get out of the 2 gun cycle