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Black Ops 6 has had yet another update for the game including that new content we all are expecting here today as well as more technical changes to the game that you can expect to see the next time you log on, bug fixes, adjustments and more. Today we’re running down these changes and what you should know. Drop your thoughts as we go along, drop alike if you enjoy the video and make sure to subscribe to stay up to date with all things Black Ops 6. We’re only just getting started when it comes to the content here and I’d love to have you in the community as we chase down 600,000 subscribers.
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00:00 – Intro
00:50 – The Return of Nuketown in Black Ops 6
02:58 – Double XP is Currently Live in Black Ops 6
04:19 – New Patch Notes & Update Details
08:18 – Thanks for watching! Subscribe, like & comment!
Nuketown was available in private matches for me, my group played on it tonight, private match gunfight
They NEED to fix the SND xp
My favorite part of the update is where the scoreboard doesn't show ANYONE'S rank but your own 🙄
I have had a new bug where I my game would freeze during a match on PC, restarted the game and it would not let me join it saying it was a DEV ERROR
Honestly, I cannot wait for the wall hack bans for BO6. I know people are blaming Recon, but once the ban hammer hits, this game will be even better….for a while. That is what counts, or at least till the crack heads get tired and wait for the season 1 update and so forth
Anyone know if they fixed the messed up challenge for the bat?
Black screen is not fixed as of 1:13 a.m on November 2nd. Still happens on Xbox one
Have the fixed the camos yet i still cant do my ak-74 it literally just wont accept the fact i have red tiger already 😭
Is anyone else noticing that we aren’t getting double xp? It shows active but it feels so grindy still
Cool now we need ranked and skill based damage removed
Too bad I can't even play the game…Im stuck in the loading screen because the servers are trash
Fix direct x error. Freezes up
They finally fixed the DLSS issue
Gotta give it to you. One of the best intros on YT
good thing i got my dank matter before they fixed it
Does anyone else perk greed not work correctly ? Mine doesn’t show Evry perk to b an option
Noticed since nuketown dropped my matches have been way less sweaty and I’ve actually been having fun. Hopefully that doesn’t get “fixed”
I wish they would fix getting killed while choosing a weapon at the start of a game. It just happened to me 3 games in a row in nuketown. I start almost every game -1
i took full advantage of the broken launcher challenges and did them first
Hackers are ridiculous in this game. Best thing about this update is they all moved over to nuketown.
Activision need to start banning IP addresses.
Something I’ve noticed is the “treyarch mix” in audio options is SO QUITE compared to “headphones” but it is a better audio option. This only seems to be on console.
If you’ve got a DAC I think it would help but you can’t on XBOX, I don’t know if anyone else has picked up on this?
Love all of your videos man! Keep up the great work!
anyone else think that the enemy name tags need to show up way easier??
Blueprint attachments still bugged saying ATTACHMENTS NOT AVAILABLE IN MULTIPLAYER despite gun being max level
The blueprints are still bugged attachments won't be on guns even if you have the gun max level I'm using Ames 85 blueprint from campaign won't have tactical laser!!!!!
Anyone else experience a hacker in every lobby they join??
I've been having a ball sitting in zombies doing snipers and pistols with double xp
Is the bug with th÷ dark ops nuclear challenge fixed?
Its crazy that 75% of your viewers aren't subbed, realistically you should be on 2.36M atleast, you deserve it bro ❤
is every streamer 2 boxing now? 😂 watch that opening clip, enemy skill level is not on par.