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World of Warcraft Racials Are Completely Unbalanced In PvP

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  1. Night Elf is too good but if they're dead set on keeping racials relevant they should aim to get all off them between A-B tier. I'm a Blood Elf simp but the racial is largely useless.

  2. they need to completely rework racials and make them all useful. like worgen one is useless. nightborn one is complete garbage. the shared CD ones should be reworked so they dont share the fkn CDs. and the 2.5 and 3 min CD ones need to be redone to balance for 2 min CDs. right now, literally, if you're not a night elf, orc, or dark iron dwarf, you're pretty much useless for races.

  3. Smeld doesn’t drop combat in pve if you are fighting a boss bc with a boss being aggro’d it makes everyone in the instance be put in combat that can’t be dropped unless boss dies or is reset

  4. I must disagree on Forsaken being A. The ability to break out of fear(which has a partially shared CD with trinket) is the only thing we are known for. The rest of our racials is legit dogwater. Touch of the Grave is never scaled right, so it will never deal noticeable damage, or noticeable healing. Cannibalism breaks on all damage, even dots. So this HEALING ability, is only usable before combat starts, where you most likely have full health anyways. And then lastly, we can breathe underwater. I am sure that will be useful if they god forbid add an underwater arena.

  5. Like I said, WoW is a racist game.
    Always has been, always will be.
    The only solution is to remove racials entirely and give them back as a 3 part choice that "enhances" your toon.
    Chose 1 resist, 1 CD utility OR 1 passive utility, & 1 profession +, rename them from racials and then balance from there.
    Ez fix.

  6. That nerf to Zandalari healing is wild. Very rarely is it a DoT breaking the heal on you, so losing 50% of it in exchange for something barely even beneficial is ridiculous. Increased CD to boot.

  7. If you think that the elf gives you something besides the extra 1.5 seconds that you will live, then you are a fool. The fact that everyone plays as elves does not mean that it is correct. Haven't seen a game yet where it would save an elf from control or win the game, just delay control for 1.5 seconds. But let's say when Kultiran stuns healer or dps for 3 sec and wins the game – I saw it.

  8. Are racials really the difference between a win and a loss? I can't think of a single game this season where someones racial made the difference for either my team or the team I was facing.

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