Looking for the best Weakauras in World of Warcraft? In this video, we’ll showcase the top Weakauras to use in The War Within expansion. Level up your gameplay with these helpful tools!
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Mouseover macro – Replace Remove curse with whatever your spell is.
/use [@mouseover,help,nodead][help,nodead][@player] Remove Curse
The War Within Dungeon Dispels – Frame Glows: https://wago.io/E8CGPeiDX
Raid Buffs Tracker: https://wago.io/iWkZ4Eq-i
Potion and trinket tracker: https://wago.io/U2X2GgK-q
Dragon riding Wa: https://wago.io/dmui-dragonriding
Queen venom nova tracker: https://wago.io/0VgT-LaxG
QueupMAN: https://wago.io/ePOKth_AU
Mouse cursor: https://wago.io/HJhCa5rDQ
ability timeline: https://wago.io/CucqUEyfY
AUTOMARKER: https://wago.io/1ctv3b91K
ONE BUTTON WORLD MARKER: https://wago.io/koguSJAuR
Nurubar palace WA PACK: https://wago.io/V1wblU7RH
RIPL MAGE WA PACK: https://wago.io/49cUOTtEJ
Barrage helped WA: https://wago.io/AcHUF7O_G