Easy and fast way to get Round 999 in BO6 Zombies
Intro 0:00-0:21
Loadout 0:22-2:00
Augments 2:01-6:17
Strategy 6:28-12:07
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This video discusses: call of duty zombies, cod zombies, black ops zombies, zombies, cod, black ops 6 zombies, bo6 zombies, bo6, liberty falls bo6 zombies, call of duty, call of duty black ops 6, black ops 6, bo6 zombies gameplay, liberty falls, liberty falls zombies, liberty falls high round guide, bo6 zombies high round guide, liberty falls high round world record, liberty falls highest round, liberty falls high round strategy, bo6 zombies high round strategy, liberty falls best high round strategy
I dont understand how you are killing z's at that high of lvl! At 36 tripple packed legendary takes full mags to kill 1 enemy! All Head Shots! You are just single shotting them! HOW?
There's too many steps to success with this.
Sniper is better and does more damage and ammo last longer
By the way, it doesn't have to be purple keys specifically. I have gotten self revives and monkeys with gold keys. You can also get mutant injections with gold keys
You gotta use the last aether shroud major augment with a maxed out knife and Mele macchiato. You insta kill zombies and it refills your jet gun. You get in a good loop and you can finish a whole round without leaving that spot. You can also use this Strat in the old high round spots just like before the patch.
7:40 you go from 31 to 315.. I take it the round numbers are faked in your video?
0:22 I made it! xD
this will be patched in some way soon
Lol I already made this build on my own before this dropped
Did 100 with this. I went back and forth between this and the old strat. It was a lot of fun. I also found you can just turn around and zip line then again from spawn and by the time you get back to the roof your jet gun will be charged up again
I didn't use the old method, but I didn't realize they patched the streaks like that.
Glad I hit 101 when I did.
Hey, can you try shadow rift? I would say its the best since you can quickly get rid of abominations using Big Game and targeted. Often times its a one-shot. Haven't tested past 50 since I am doing camos.
Ive also hit 999 in the bowling alley using AFK/Infinite ammo/godmode before the ammo glitch was patched.
Theres no reason to go high levels since XP drops off hard after round 30-40.
Gs45 is not the best gun in the game lmao it’s burst DPS may be high but the LR sniper absolutely shits on these pistols with overall damage, go test it
How you get so much salvage I got everything the same but my salvage is running out I had like 20 max
A little advice, if for some reason you are actually doing the vermin round be careful, us zombie playerare use to special rounds being easy, but this little fucks will down you, the drop almost no armor and at high rounds they will destryo your health, be really careful of vermin rounds
You can get self from gold keys too
Bro how did you have 270,000 salvage by round 31
Rapid fire doesn’t effect the gs when pap’d if you ask me. it’s negligible and not at all noticeable. Armor pierce is better imo or literally anything else of your choice.
Besides, if you’re using akimbo, you don’t need it even if it did work, just shoot back and forth
God mode glitch i made it to 999
How is this fun?
Stupid question but how do you use the 7:59 aether shroud (which button do you press, Xbox controller) ?
cheers <3
I still think the lr.762 is better
Zombies maxes out at round 256.
Just because you kept playing after doesn’t mean you proceeded past the maximum level.
You are able to get self revives with a gold key in the vault also I got a gold aether tool and a self revive with a gold key
Do zombie’s health not increase after a certain round??? Cuz you are on round 300 and using the good pistols, but every time I go above 40, nothing kills fast at all
If you jump down next to the dumpster on the left side there at start the spiders won't spawn through the window behind you the only spawn ahead of you that is my g-spot for the spiders
Round 41 was already to much

idk what yall are talking about, im getting mutent injections and chopper gunners all the time as loot in higher rounds, i didnt even buy one for 10 rounds.
Big game is only for elites not manglers, i like running both spread augments so it affects a lot of zombies
The isnta kill gobble is so clutch for high rounds just makes things a little easier and its the blue rarity so there really easy to get i got 10 rn
I literally got to 107 using the old method as they patched it I got the dark ops card but when I loaded back up my save corrupted to 54