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TOP 5 BEST CLASS SETUPS in Black Ops 6! 👑 (BO6 Meta Class Setups)

BEST Class Setups in Black Ops 6! These are the BEST guns in BO6! Try these BEST Class Setups in Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Multiplayer!
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This is Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Multiplayer gameplay! Featuring the best class setups, tips and tricks for Black Ops 6! Subscribe for more BO6 content!

This video includes – best class black ops 6,best class setups bo6,best class setup bo6,bo6 best class setups,bo6 best class setup,best class bo6,cod black ops 6,black ops 6 best class setup,black ops 6,call of duty black ops 6,black ops 6 nuke,black ops 6 meta,bo6 best class,black ops 6 gameplay,black ops 6 best guns,black ops 6 best class,black ops 6 best setup,cod bo6 best class,black ops 6 best weapon,black ops 6 multiplayer,black ops 6 best weapons,bo6,bo6 meta

Video created and owned by: TheKoreanSavage

Thank you for watching this Call of Duty Black Ops 6 video! (COD BO6)

#blackop6 #bo6 #callofduty

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  1. How do people have these sick guns and i can't last longer then 3 second in any multiplayer how can i improve lol 😅 it's depressing to last 3 second in any multiplayer

  2. When you have to watch people play black ops 6 because you can’t even afford internet. Having grown up playing black ops this really makes me sad. Trying to work 60+ hours a week and still struggle 😔 maybe one day boys

  3. Do you have to complete all prestige 1 challenges before you can enter prestige 2 and so on? I’m confused bc I’m Prestige 1 lvl 55 but it wont let me enter Prestige 2

  4. can someone explain what the bullet velocity does? do bullets actually have travel time now? honestly have had no idea what it’s done in the past few games lol

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