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New Promotional Rewards Available! How To Get Hateforged Blazecycle Mount | WoW TWW | Mountain Dew

Hi everyone! In today’s video, I will go through all the new rewards you can get through the Mountain Dew/Doritos promotion, only available in the US!

Mountain Dew Promotion Now Live – Cosmetics and TWW Epic Edition Available Through Points:

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  1. It's not a ghost rider type of mount.
    It's a Judas Priest – Painkiller type of mount.
    Stop Marvel-injecting in everything. Get with the real awesome stuff.

  2. As an American this is also a cheap way to get the brutosaur mount. The bike codes are selling for about 110 dollars and the pets codes are 80. So for about 15 dollars you can get that mount with the code selling.

  3. To be fair, the points are quite generous. You can buy two 12 packs of mountain dew and have enough to get the mount and a couple pets. I don't drink sugar so hopefully they have zero sugar options.

  4. wish blizz would allow the codes to be regional and shareable.. because not everyone lives in usa and these cool events are hella restricted..
    australia never gets any of the blizzard events..

  5. It sucks because it is called the World of Warcraft no the American's warcraft. I think there is a way to go around it. I think you can have a friend from the US get those items for you and give you the code and presto chango you got yourself the stuff. I do not know how true that is i am only going by what i have heard.

  6. Why do you say ‘try your luck’? My understanding is you buy the items and you get the already disclosed predetermined points by entering through the website, then you redeem the points for the items you want. There doesnt seem to be any luck involved, or am i misunderstanding how the promotion works?

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