So continuing my journey to Nebula Camo in Black Ops 6, I have come to realize that it isn’t as difficult as I once thought. Thanks for watching and hope you enjoy!
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Unlocking NEBULA CAMO in BLACK OPS 6 is actually easy.
Just ordered some pizza.. anyone want anything?
yes EASY sure if you want the Opal Camo you need 30 Elite kills with all 33 Weapons that means you need 990 Elite Zombies and after that for the Nebula Camo you need 10 Special Zombie Kills so 330 Special Zombie kills , that sounds not easy that is is a shit grinding
I don’t believe you for a second 🤣🤣
Right under this video it’s a merkmusic video titled unlocking nebula camo is almost impossible😭😭😭
I’m at after life by Thursday’s I should have nebula
Ye im same been grinding all the crit kills all weekend
Well to be perfectly honest, in my humble opinion, of course without offending anyone who thinks differently from my point of view, but also by looking into this matter in a different perspective and without being condemning of one's view's and by trying to make it objectified, and by considering each and every one's valid opinion, I honestly believe that Life is bigger than a camo you get for offing zombies
Meatlovers with banana peppers my favorite. Would like to see you and your boys attempt the easter eggs.🤔you get a operator for maya on Terminus and exclusive calling cards.
i say going to terminus for opal camo trust
just a heads up for that annoying pistol, it gets even more annoying because you cant use the explosive rounds for the hip fire kills either……
“Longer doesn’t mean harder” single most dumb thing I’ve heard all day…..
For zombies camo grinding is it better or any different to play solo or with a squad?
Yoo braderz to use your gumballs go to a machine
This is a problem bro having nebula and dark matter in 1 week I get this is ur job but cmon bro
Bro is nebula not just that one camo from bo4?
I'm 9 guns away from afterlife and been grinding since day one, only time i played mp was to get the launchers diamond
8:39 Fein feim fein fein
stop yapping its actually taking forever im almost done 🙂
5:03 got you bradz🤣
Bro get some good sleep
im doing the multiplayer and ive only gotten 3 AR's gold how do you get headshots easy
if you do the main quest for each map do terminus solo its 5x easier (or get carried in a duo) as for the boss and mini boss their will be way less zombies spawns and for final boss less tentacles and less hp (use pap 2 for HVT and pap 3 for final)
someone else is playing on your account… well done
Are you going to do the warzone camos?
At first I was confused about the gobble gums too, basically the gobble gums that pop up in game don’t matter all they do is add to the total amount of that gobble you have. Before a match of zombies you can change the gobbles to what you want then in game you can spin the machine and you will get a random gobble from the 5 you picked
Hey Brazders, a few tips, gobble gums are shown on the maps (on top of my head there is one close to the pack-a-punch machine next to the cars and one at the door that opens to jugg) and to make gold camo easier take the zipline from the graveyard to the rooftop and circle around to train to zombies to make easier, if you get stuck around the zombies you can jump on the glass panels (the zombies takes some time to get on there so it gives you enough time to escape) for the opal camo to get 30 mangler kills, after round 25 if I'm not mistaken, manglers keep respawning unless you kill all the zombies. Therefore don't focus on the zombies and focus on the manglers as they keep respawning
Bro pls sleep
melee machioto makes it so when you use the knife and bat you can one shot the zombies with those weapons for longer on higher rounds so you dont need to upgrade the rarity and pack a punch it often
Braderz for the love of god,i love your content,but you look either in a trance or half dead,get some sleep man damn lol
I didn’t do the launchers before the patch im screwed :/