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Your talk way too much about the same things.
Burst of knowledge isnt even close to spymasters and are below a lot of trinkets that are easier to get.
What’s that transmog on cover
I’ve collected all t2 armor sets, obsidian worldbreaker, and the core hound chain mount already.
You can get the warglaives in tbc timewalking?
They disable the JJ exp buff in cata 😢
3:23 what is he talking about, getting a quest to select a piece of nerub ar gear? where do u get this quest?
TBC dungeons are much better than classic. I'm so tired of doing dire maul wings over and over.
As a DPS its taking 30 min on Moon guard for a TW Group
Thanks mate, very useful info here ❤
How do you get the Blessings of the Bronze Dragonflight buff?
Max level but good luck getting high Ilvl gear after that one hero piece
Can’t believe the Blacktemple and BRD quest bug. Screwed me out of heroic gear.
So if you got the Weekly raid quest for BRD from Anniversary and completed it you are SOL, suppose to ignore and pick up the one in Shatt.
Where do you get the xp bonus from hallows end?
My condolences to all the poor pve saps that put alot of effort and time into their gear only to have the ultimate outcome be getting it a few weeks before everyone else. And then they do the same thing the next season. In an endless circle of suffering
Great video, it would be great if you could start uploading in 1440p/4K.
1:41 This only works for the Alliance. Unburdened and DMF do stack, but Grim Visage and DMF do not. I get 70 rep from WQs on my Alliance warrior, but only 65 rep on my Horde main.
KETCHUP KeTcHuP Kekekekeketchup 🙂
Very informative video! Just wondering wheres the leveling guide through that was said to be linked below? Thank you! 🥰
so where do i get the quest to unlock the nerubar raid items?
2 bad in in EU that for BRD normal they ask 610-620 il, for 597 il drop…..
it just need another nerfing
I thought you said MAGA catch up.😅😅😅