BEST Class Setups in Black Ops 6 AFTER the Update/Patch! These are the BEST guns in BO6! Try these BEST Class Setups in Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Multiplayer!
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*NEW* TOP 5 BEST CLASS SETUPS after UPDATE in Black Ops 6! 👑 (BO6 Meta Class Setups)
Previous BO6 Videos:
👉 #1 XM4 Class Setup
👉 #1 Jackal PDW Class Setup
👉 #1 AS Val Class Setup
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This is Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Multiplayer gameplay! Featuring the best class setups, tips and tricks for Black Ops 6! Subscribe for more BO6 content!
This video includes – best class black ops 6,best class setups bo6,best class setup bo6,bo6 best class setups,bo6 best class setup,best class bo6,cod black ops 6,black ops 6 best class setup,black ops 6,call of duty black ops 6,black ops 6 nuke,black ops 6 meta,bo6 best class,black ops 6 gameplay,black ops 6 best guns,black ops 6 best class,black ops 6 best setup,cod bo6 best class,black ops 6 best weapon,black ops 6 multiplayer,black ops 6 best weapons,bo6,bo6 meta
Video created and owned by: TheKoreanSavage
Thank you for watching this Call of Duty Black Ops 6 video! (COD BO6)
#blackop6 #bo6 #callofduty
Fuck you put timestamps
connecting more players lv 1 players hahahahahahahahahah nice
11:55 nice aim assist
how do you see peoples levels ? everyone is level 1 for me.
Thank god the game is NOTHING like cold war almost has 0% trace. Cold war = worst call of duty game to ever exist its not a BTEC but a CTEC knock off of black ops 4 !
Bo6 feels like a merge of bo4/bo2/mw2019/warzone all in 1 game.
Swagg was an L for that, exactly why I stopped watching his vid
Hey brother I was wondering if u could make a video on how u edit your video I like how u do it
Asian and whites are my fav ppl ❤️
Hey man do you reckon you could do a video about your settings or just quickly reply with the setting you have for your dynamic response curve, when you press x/square you have the option to change the curve, im curious what that is, and I would love to know your graphics settings top cause your game looks really good
what does all green give you?
Show off the classes in a private match so you can show all attachments
These loadouts are not it. I have way better ones. Model L is top assault weapon
You missing out not using laser sights bro. I’ve been goin off with them. It’s the one with the jumping ads speed increase
What's ur sense
k3 can u make a tutorial on how to get the goblin gold ? man i’m struggling with this shizz man this dark matter grind no joke
bro i dont even have the game and i’m watching this 😭
The loadouts are cool, really here for the cracked out gameplays tho 😂
Man you really inspired me to try get better at cod. On Bo4 I used to use K3 on my clan tag for good luck. Keep it up 💙
Love the k3 multiplayer vids, glad you’re back to it! Keep it up k3
GPR is horrrrrible, worst AR by far wtf
We need your livestreams. Those were at straight vibes
The pdw is bugged for me, when I use the scourge skin for the gun and select in a match. It only gives me my pistol😢
This is my FAVORITE YouTuber
How to get 2 primary weapons without overkill????
Currently on the grind to get diamond smgs im happy they got buffed they were already cracked just need the last 3 smgs gold than I get diamond 🔥
remember to use rapid fire if you have it unlocked on the aek
all love for you K3! <3
Today was horrible school was trash. Wait? K3 uploaded? NEVER MIND!
Damn that beat box was fire😀
aye no cap that aek been shreddin went on a 21 streak w it
Is it just me that finds core nuketown is much easier to grind headshots than that HC faceoff shiiii😅
Lets go k3 keep up the videos 🐐🐐🐐
Best smg right now??
Don’t care for the loadouts, I see k3 vid I click
Not I gang
1st 👀
Noti gang