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#144 #tips #tricks #movement #anime #mythic #rytec
had hospital issues so havent uploaded in a minute, but hopefully you guys enjoy these tips and tricks videos upcoming and dont forget to like and sub👑🥂
Zeke how can you make your spear bigger
I’m probably the only person ik that uses “gradually switch while ADS” it’s been natural to me since I started playing…but I’m debating turning it off 🤔,anyone in chat got some tips or suggestions
You still playing this game zeke? 🥴
The grind has been painful😢
Babe, wake up! Zeke tips and tricks is back
1v1 zeke sniper if you want to 1v1 my name is cugmug😊
how to have better aim:
no.1 you must be zeke
Thanks zeke this will help me got to legenday fast❤❤❤
Thank you Zeke great content I love your videos and your highlights ❤
In PC games you can use rewasd and configs for game assist as well
Thx for tutorial zeke
not just fennec and krm 😭 bp50 bp50 bp50 GET OUT OF MY HEAD
Crazy how it had been 5years, been here since birth of codm ✌️
Who do you think would beat you in a codm 1v1
All i need is my aim to be consistent in game lol😂
🔥🔥🔥1v5 ace🔥🔥🔥
Aim is what I really need thanks for the tips zeke
Here before 300k🎉🎉
I literally needed this right now
sayo ako na inspire mag sr eh, sobrang accurate ng mga tutok mo grabe, sana magkaroon ako ng chance na maka 1v1 kita hehehe
W content as always 🔥
What will happen if zeke switch fps game?
Get well bro ❤️🩹
Hailing from Nigeria
Zeke sniping
Man them like butter
While me tryna be like zeke
After 5 seconds
I wish I could practice tip 3, but I haven’t had a full out challange in like a year and a half 😭. Every good person I see in ranked I 1v1 and I beat them 20-7 or 20-12. Usually around there. If not I beat them by a lot more. And my TikTok is way too small to attract good players. I’ve tried to grow but nothing changes. I’m genuinely having trouble trying to get better because of these handicaps.
Thank you zeke I will go in snd and try to get a 20 bomb
This is the best vid I ever seen good tips
Can you make a video how to flick
Bro your a good teacher
I am good at 1v1 in shipment against high level players but in SnD I tend to perform worse than them. I think big part is having a good game sense
Bro forgot to add "get an iPad"
@zeke do you like every comment?
Love watching your clips bro, they're satisfying