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The War Within | Heartlands, Chapter 5: The Battle of Go’Shek Farm | World of Warcraft

The Arathi Highlands fall into chaos as the 7th Legion and Kor’kron do battle. But far from the fighting, Geya’rah sees plainly the struggles of Stromgarde, and decides on a new course of action.
Join Chris Metzen for a special fireside telling of our newest novella, ‘Heartlands.’

For a downloadable PDF, visit:

Read by Chris Metzen • Written by Adam Christopher • Illustrated by Brush Sauce Studio

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  1. can we have these videos and audio books on german too please?!
    we used to get story-videos and audio books on the german channel in german language too, but recently it just stopped and only the english channel gets these ever since…

  2. Can't wait to see Stromgarde join the Arathi Emperor, to join their true Ruler & Ruler of all human lands and even possibly all of the high home of the elves.

  3. Mag'har: So…why are we in this zone again? Wouldn't it make more sense for trolls and blood elves to oppose you here?
    Danath: Don't try to make sense of bad writing it's not worth it…

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