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WHO LEADS?! War Within Ranged DPS Tier List in M+

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We now have plenty of numbers for a proper war within ranged dps tier list with data from warcraft logs and and while a couple of specs are no surprise being on top, we got to see some unexpected placements!

We’re quite deep into the season so all these war within ranged ranked discussions are take into account all the 11.0.5 changes but we’re keeping our eyes open so check in with MarcelianOnline for updates 😉

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00:00 Intro
00:39 Affliction Warlock
04:05 Augmentation Evoker
05:24 Balance Druid
06:37 Arcane Mage
07:40 BM Hunter
08:36 Demonology Warlock
09:41 Destruction Warlock
10:36 Fire Mage
11:27 Frost Mage
12:25 MM Hunter
13:37 Devastation Evoker
14:27 Elemental Shaman
15:12 Shadow Priest
15:54 Conclusions & Evolution in Rankings

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  1. Marksmanship hunter is lame. Its feels like you are playing a spec from back in cataclysm. Its incredibly meh.
    Not having heroism/lust as a baseline. The fact that you need an annoying macro to use it… its horrible bad design.

  2. Delves should have a M+ kinda option BUT, (BIG BUT) But only for Solo players. Going in as a group trivializes it. I would say keep it as a solo player feature and let us get more advanced crests from them. If they don't do this Delves will be irrelevant as an "endgame" forever. Its not endgame if you can't get the highest gear from it.

  3. People have no idea about elemental lol 😂😂😂😂. We are topping everything and the only reason we aren't S tier is because enh ST exists…. Ele MILES AHEAD of balance and frost mage. 40 stack spymaster burst and i will DELETE the whole pack + wayyyy better utility than a mage or druid. Community just can't deal with the fact that shaman is BIS this spac (finally… For now)

  4. Putting BM hunter in C, almost every key I do, 80% of the time I come first in DPS, with the ilvl lower than most of the other DPS, in bosses the damage is actually lower compared to other DPS, now in Overall throughout the entire DG, BM does infinitely better than some S tier DPS

  5. id say fire is closer to c tier, we need desperate help in both aoe and single target, living bomb is fun and games but you lose so much single target that its just not worth in high keys 🙁
    -love the content guys, i remember watching you back in SL learning frost mage when it was fun <3

  6. Hopefully more people realize at some point the keys over an 11 mean nothing to 95% of the playerbase.If you're watching this video to decide what to play it doesn't matter what you play,

  7. Wtf man you talking abut tire list that ppl doing 18-16-17 and you then you talking abut warlock bad cus they cant hadel affix???? Do you know that ther no affix in +12? Wtf what a noob

  8. They might as well rework devastation into another support spec or it will never see play. I keep saying it but if any other class with a dps spec and one of their other specs gets reworked like enhance shamans or survival hunter. Their dps specs will be benched and get the deva treatment

  9. Bringing what people crave: the tier lists!

    Thank you 🙂

    P.S. Curious that YouTube uses the icon from WarCraft III: Reforged underneath the video 🙂

  10. Good work like always! Thanks for adding the last part to the last tier list videos. Not everyone is playing very high keys and this is interesting for me to know how the classes perform till ~ +10 keys. I don’t care about the peak performance of the best of the best 3k rating players to be honest.

  11. I hate how people STAY crying about Aug its honestly annoying asf lol. If you don't like them dont play it/with them! It's really that simple. I don't play the spec but I love when i get one just give's me so much peace of mind as a healer.

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