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TOP 10 *BROKEN* META Loadouts in Warzone 4

TOP 10 *BROKEN* META Loadouts in Warzone Area 99.

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Tags: warzone,warzone 4,warzone best loadout,warzone top 10 loadouts,warzone meta loadout,top 10 loadouts warzone,warzone 4 best loadouts,warzone 4 meta loadout,warzone 4 meta loadouts,warzone best weapons,warzone meta weapons,warzone 4 best weapons,warzone 4 meta weapons,best loadouts warzone 4,best loadout warzone,warzone best loadouts after update,meta loadout warzone 4,bo6,Best Assault Rifle Warzone,Best SMG Warzone,mrmarveltv,Best Gun Warzone,warzone 4 meta,

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  1. Hey guys how do you change ur pistol to a smg or any other weapon since when I click the pistol to change to a different weapon it says “pistol and “launchers” and no other option?? Why does it say that can someone please help me out here? Thank youu

  2. Call of Duty: Warzone 4 (stylized as Call of Duty®: Warzone 4) is a battle royale game developed by Activision Blizzard's subsidiary studios, as a part of the Call of Duty series. It is a "massive combat zone" featuring a variety of gameplay mechanisms and weapons, as well as a range of skins inspired by its setting and characters.

  3. I hateeeee the new map, im always getting shot bye 4 different teams from all the way across the map cuz they are camping roofs with snipers, my load outs also don’t work, I will create the class before even loading into the game, its mostly the mags, whenever I use drum mags on a gun it always says it’s on but in game when I get my loadout it gives me the default mag which is normally 30, plus it is always laggy the game is just none stop lag also the recoil on the guns is so random, that shi goes in a star pattern it’s impossible to control for more than 3 seconds

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