Will this be a calm week? Consider setting up new in game goals like running alts, meta achievements or even preparing for player housing!
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One of these days I will actually fully complete my paladin/Death Knight class halls and a garrison on at least one of the servers I play on.
I'm still holding out hope that this return of plunderstorm will be different & better then the torture slog it was last time.
The only real way I can see wow really saving this game in any major way is by making guilds and communities matter again they deviated so much from what made Warcraft or MMOs in general popular which was the sense of community and then the family dynamic within the guild and guild that made up communities. Wow needs to go to big servers but only things happening within those servers like they could have for example one PVE one PVP and one roleplay server for the alliance and one entire server of the same three for the horde meaning they would only have six realms and when it comes down to PvP they would link the horde PvE realm to the alliance PvE realm so that when you went into battlegrounds it only shared between those two servers and when you turned war mode on it would allow faith players from those two realms to compete and see each other same would apply to the pure PVP server only differences that would always be active and the RP servers then would be able to activate it or deactivate it.
This would mean that doing any content would only be of players of your PvE PVP or RP realm but it would be the same people from that realm all the time and then you'd have guilds only within that realm.
Then of course for your dungeons and raid content You can still have raid finder for normal mode heroic and mythic just like we should have a heroic and mythic raid mode should be for pre-made groups only meaning you cannot queue up to do them You can only queue up to do story mode raids and story mode dungeons which is basically the normal version to which things can be a little bit slower and have more story in them and then when you go into the manual versions all that stuff should be removed just like the trash in between bosses should be super weak when you go into heroic and mythic modes It should be the exact same trash that then story mode so that those heroic and mythic players can just burn right through the trash and get to what they're actually there for and do bosses very similar to what final fantasy does.
And then alongside player housing they need to do guild housing where you can have one massive guild hall that you can come in and people can do things within that guild Hall and make the guild hall relevant to the game Don't just make it purely cosmetic like player housing is player housing should be 100% for the individual player and cosmetic only but a guild hall should follow a similar pattern to what D&D and other games did for their guild housing or guild halls or you can unlock crafting tables and those crafting tables take less materials and have a higher chance of producing slightly higher quality gear then doing it on your own doesn't have to be massive just slightly and slightly less cost and you could also hire NPCs that could provide raid-wide buffs they don't have to be huge even if it was just a couple of them that gave things that only affected your damage output health think of that nature by 1% and you had to pay for them every week to keep them active a it gives you a way to pull money out of the economy but puts it into the guild NPCs throughout your guild hall and your guild crafters which really are just like assistance to the actual crafters for your guild so now if you've got a blacksmith who wants to go make this epic chest piece well it cost 10% less resources for him to make it because it was made from the guild halls crafting table that has the guild assistant NPC and you can unlock that through doing heroic and mythic content both in dungeons and raids You could even put materials into dells that they can collect to pay them instead of gold different things like that which would make the guild hall relevant to the game in some way kind of like when they had guild levels I didn't see a problem with guild levels I think it was too much but having a couple of things like oh if you're part of a guild the guild leader can summon the entire group to a raid can open up a guild bank a couple of things that are useful but not game breaking are cool things to add to a guild hall that you can work together to both unlock and to achieve similar to how Star Wars deal did their guild chips that you had to go around the world and kill world bosses and collect these certain items to unlock bigger wings to your ship they could do that but it could be to unlock crafting areas and buffing areas and different things to the game that you can do as a guild to both cosmetically decorated and earned those decorations through crafting them and or killing bosses to earn materials for them so several games have gotten guild housing right Star Wars with really good with it D&D was really good with it cuz not only was there a way to unlock it as a guild and you had to have a guild to do it but in D&D there was a reason to unlock it because it gave you significant buffs or in Star Wars you could travel to the guilt ship and then travel anywhere else from your ship That's all they really need to do is to make servers bigger but make them a singular community and then make guild housing something that is not necessary but beneficial if you have it versus if you don't and that would create an overall gaming community and return gilding families to their former strength those two things alone would bring Warcraft back to the number one game with far more players cuz that's what people really want is a good gaming community that they can create small gaming families within and then even you have your your dungeon groups that are even a smaller click within the guild.
None of this stuff currently exist in Warcraft and it's what it's been missing It gives both short-term and long-term replayability to the game and things to do when you're not rating or doing dungeons you go show people your cool house then you show them your guild house You go in there you go and do your crafting there guild people craft and make things for the house they go and do dells to collect materials so they can maintain the NPCs employment thus giving them the buff You can make it passive as long as that NPC is active and you're in the guild you get the buff just don't make the bus critical to success or failure of the players just make it something that means that having them gives you something that you've achieved for doing those activities and for maintaining those activities.
what we need is negative honor when you kill a player 10 levels or more below you. The further the distance, the more of a penalty you get.
I just hope Blizz doesn't make all the cool housing stuff a money sink like the Brontosaurus
Would make sense for them to drop Carpentry and Lumberjack professions with player housing. Just looking at the chair that’s in the short clip. Having these professions would also tie in with others that can craft items like staffs/bows/shields. This would be a no brainer for blizzard to throw in, as many other games involve felling trees to gather lumber as well as using the lumber to craft.
i always end the video when you start singing. it hurts my ears
Engagement for the algorithm. Done.
The question I am curious about is how much gold people are aiming to put aside for player housing. I am not as concerned about the special stuff to do in the house, but just want the actual space may cost. Will it be auctioned in some way, like highest bidder gets choice or closest to the city? Or, will it be a questline?
And also… there seems to be quite the divide on wanting neighbours/neighbourhoods and wanting your own space. I'm not quite sure how that will be resolved because it's kinda clear they got the "okay, Garrisons were to separate" note, but how to fix that without it being instance. It gets pretty quickly into real life type things, like…what if you don't like your neighbours? 😛
So happy for you, Soul! You seem so happy that player housing finally on it's way. Yay!!
Why nerf delves? People need to stop whining everything something is "to difficult"
Okay, i am a noob, but where the hell do we spend timewarped badges? I havent seriosuly played retail since Panda, and i am a little lost on this part.
Prep is silly before we have any idea what it will have or involve
You’re assuming having defeated previous dungeons and raids, and having completed zone quest line achievements is going to retroactively give us tons of furniture pieces or something? 😅 This seems HIGHLY unlikely to me. Blizzard wants you to play their game, not give you everything instantly for free because of what you’ve done in the past. In terms of boss head trophy furniture pieces, I assume they’ll just have chance to drop when you kill that boss after the housing update goes live. (Similar to how new battle pets were added to past raid bosses’ loot tables long after those raids were current.) I also assume there will be plenty of furniture you can buy with gold from vendors, plenty you can get from completing new quests, and it’s also fairly likely there will be some sort of furniture crafting system. I would be very cautious about making vast assumptions and then telling people to go do a ton of prep (that likely won’t benefit them at all in terms of housing.) This community is infamous for over-speculation leading to rage, salt, and disappointment.
you gonna talk about the Mountain dew mount being sold out one week in?
If you wanna prep for player housing, take out a loan from a bank. It's gonna be monitized to hell and back.
This is your weekly reminder that the word is "AFFix", not "affIX" in the context you said it
Housing is your newest transmog model. Just imagine the billions of decorating items and their billions of skins. Considering the direction the game has decided it will follow, its almost required by the powers that be. Shareholders. I hope there a re few scraps for those not interested in wardrobe for my home. At least a mailbox.
Lmao blizzard are such weiners just turn wm off
I am almost certain they are going to be using all materials for housing to make everything relevant. The rarer materials will probably be use as well, but for more advanced things. Given we saw Onyxia's head, I doubt we are going to be using…. say Bismuth for an Onyxia Triophy that is from classic.
Wait, they nerfed the easiest delve lieutenant? 😂
We need a Bob album and vtuber avatar hell yeah
Classic classic leveling part 1 when?
i hate people who always pander, if your shit is good you'll get the audience… asking for it makes you lose more… just make good content, stop simping
i hope my inscriptor can make paintings or kalligrafie for peoples homes at some point. making the same glyph over and over for the AH is geting old
What am I going tot do to prepare for Player Housing??? Complain as much as I can to the devs because it is a dumb idea that is a waste of time and resources
I dont think you will need to farm so much achivements and raid stuff NOW.. Because if anything. ONce the player housing goes live. Then they will add stuff that CAN drop in raids. Legacy and new ones that are for the player housing. If not.. Maybe the best thing to start stocking up NOW.. is Gold. Because <they could end up making the system that you start out with a small house.. Then upgrade it like the garrison 2 times.. Untill its a big one. And like with the warband bank.. It costs a bit of gold. I only have 3 tabs in my warband.. The 4th one is going to cost me… 500k i think. Which i can do. But lazy and cheap for that NOW.. maybe some other time. Gold making is rather easy if you play alts.. Since you can get gold from each lfr boss killed.. AND each wing cleared. But also from your great vault, if you dont take any gear. I mean.. 6 tokens if you fill up 3 slots.. 6 tokens gets you 6 tokens for 1000 gold each.. So 6000 gold… As soon as Wednesday hits. And you have many alts. Its a win win. I mean as someone with an alt army. 27 alts … that i plan to level 80.. But so far only 19 done.. So think about that.. 19 alts. Doing lfr for the 3 great vault slots.. 6k per alt just fromt he great vault.. Not counting the lfr itself. That is 114k gold each week.. Just doing lfr.. But it becomes bigger if i count how much the gold is you get from the boss kills and wing clears in lfr. Which i ahve no idea what it is.. And also not counting the mog runs that you can do to earn money as well. I mean i did clears of Legion raids… I think i got like… 8k gold from doing all the raids on every dificulty on my mage. Felt like doing it with a mage. Easy clears, ice lance and arcane explosions. Death. And unlocked a ton of mogs as well.
what a load of crap sugessting people to begin prepare for housing, with no details yet
Hopefully they will make housing easy to get and cheap. All they really need to do is rework the garrison stuff. Then they have housing.
Blizzard barely references the possibility of housing .
Every content creator:
the hype train is coming.
I completed all the old zones on my druid and a lot of them up until Shadowlands before I switched over to a different character as my main, so I might go back and make sure I've got loremaster on everything with that druid just to be safe.
i hope you get significant permanent character buffs from upgrading your housing, and i also hope that the housing upgrades cost an extreme amount of gold.. that way we can finally get rid of all the poor people in WoW.