This is the #1 way to get headshots and level up in Black Ops 6. Try the NEW GAMEMODE RANSACK to level up and get headshots quicker in Black Ops 6! 50+ HEADSHOTS PER GAME IN BLACK OPS 6!
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This is Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Multiplayer gameplay! Featuring the best class setups, tips and tricks for Black Ops 6! Subscribe for more BO6 content!
This video includes – how to get headshots on black ops 6,get more headshots on black ops 6,headshots black ops 6,headshots bo6,easy headshots in bo6,easy black ops 6 camos,easy black ops 6 headshots,bo6 easy headshots,tcaptainx headshot tips,black ops 6,bo6 headshots,black ops 6 headshots,black ops 6 easy camos,black ops 6 camo glitch,black ops 6 easy headshots,bo6 camo grind tips,bo6 camo grind,cod bo6,bo6 camo grind guide,call of duty,bo6 aim tips,bo6 settings,bo6
Video created and owned by: TheKoreanSavage
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Woooow this insane 🤣🤣🤣
How do you have the best lobbies?
we call that aimbot
What’s the class setup ?
Yo K I haven’t heard you laugh like that in forever 😂😂
Yea you just put me on I just got my bat diamond first game 💯👍
That laugh was pure evil
Advertised 50+ headshots, gets like 5 headshots lol
Not trying to hate but your lobbies are obviously vpn or reverse boosted your master prestige there’s no way in hell you get lobbies like this idc how good you are lol
Why are they so low lvl ??
I'm using snipers now and holly shit they suck! Averaging like 10 a game. After these all have all primary's diamond though.
You really should watch your weight….
this guys neighbours must HATE him… holy
tell that u using a VPN also
Can you make a vid showing all your main classes for mp
Count the amount of Level 1 players 🤣
Bot lobbies
geez how many headshot trick videos are you gonna make bruh, just aim for their head, if people have trouble with that , then its just a skill issue
what gun you using and set up and how you have good connection
Shoutout K3 he’s the man of the ppl 😆
the irl dodges LMAO
The spawns in this game are so broken it's not even funny anymore
Screw nuketown I'm grinding ransack 😂😂😂😂
Nahhh what in the hell???? Insane nuke 🔥
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 LETS GO 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 FREE NUKES!!!!
Soar Roy abusing tf outta this rn w a stack 😭🙏
KS is the biggest 2 boxer on the net
Im your big fan
is this real lobbie
Instantly leaving
Soooooo when can I borrow that vpn?
k3 using the tiktok subtitles lmao
Grandle chinito
Ima try this tomorrow and see if they spawn in front of me I’ll report back
trick = get a friend to help you spawn trap the enemy team on ransack. saved you 11 minutes.
This was happening to me in ransack yesterday, I quit lol
Playing ransack before k3 😊 after k3💀
How’s that 50+ HS every game
3:31 Korean should play Joker with that laugh 😂
3:30 is my guy ok?
I'm glad this game is free….
Spawn trapping is pretty lame no 🧢
I was in this nuke game and the spawn trapping was ridiculous.
still dont get the method .. anyone explain please?
I need ur help with HE-1
Now let me try and watch me not get any kills lhh. Unless I get lucky like you