10 SECRET Cold War Zombies Tips & Tricks EVERYONE Should Know on FIREBASE Z
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This Cold War Zombies Firebase Z Video is based around the Top 10 SECRET Cold War Zombies Tips & Tricks in the game, with many useful tricks to maximise your games and achieve faster high rounds, faster Easter Egg speedruns and more tricks in Firebase Z! For more Black Ops Cold War Zombies tips & tricks, Cold War Zombies secrets, Cold War Zombies Easter Eggs & more subscribe.
Check out the legend @Themczombieslayer01 and his fantastic Firebase Z high round strategy here: https://youtu.be/s-y6ar8jS7c
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#coldwarzombies #blackopscoldwarzombies
Does parkour Strat still work
I just found trick it is the camping trick
I’ve been just running with a sword with maxed melee and packed
The way you said "a little bit awkward" was actually a little bit awkward
Does that last strategy still work?
Trashhh people don’t help
Great video I just can't believe how good you are as are other people I have played online with this is a great guide for them. I have adhd I'm not very good at games but really enjoy this game I wish you could do a basic guide fir players like me I mean I still don't even know what carpenter is or what it does and I never get enough time or points to buy all these gadgets and perks wish I could so any basic tips would be appreciated many thanks
I actully did what he siad after that went to play outbreak, went into 2th world hit the box 3rd time and i got the Ray kay, and then i kill orda in outbreak 2 times, then got killed by the flamethrower armored zombie forgot the name of it
Sorry john, but using Aether shroud to teleport through buildings is just a waste?
When I first saw an Orda I was sort of just like “uhh, the hell is that???”
the wonder weapon was very disappointing dont get me wrong it's good but it shits out way to fast
Has the ammo drop glitch been patched?
Rewards machine is very cool
WTF bro putting video like that that was not a glitch but now is a glitch here come some more patch Nice
I got the ray gun on outbreak on round 2
Any melee weapons keep you alive from round 1 to round 17, killing every normal zombie in 1 hit.
Yesterday i got the crossbow from the price thing and it was purple pack-o-punch and that thing was over powered i just stand in the office of the Captain idk whats its called but got the toxics in the window in the room and then one in the main and with the crossbow just shoot and its over powered that thing idk but i recommend it
I dont see why u tell us about the weapon and everything but no setup thats stupid as hell
Anybody on PlayStation 4 wants to add me to play outbreak looking for 2 player to join me and a mate
There a shotgun in cold water end of the line called Firestarter it like ww2 trench gun with the incendiary shells it will be infront of the stairs to the second floor it op
Tombstone god mode + infinite toxic growth + rai k in weapons lab = afk forever
For the orda I found ballistic knife is the absolute quickest…. ring in fire- spring knifes and gone…. if for extra assurance use an airborne support (not chopper)
Mule kicks going to be 5th tier double tap.
Did this get patched, posted two months ago and I haven't tried these tips but I'm assuming most got patched 😅
I think the instant switch got removed
"u should never be without gfuel"
Bro.. Stfu
Lol me and my friends all got rai-k first try on trial
I played with your friend jake before
Thats very useful if only i could play this fantastic map without having my ps4 to freeze evry fricking time and having to letterally unplug my ps4
Sad vibes :_)
how to pack a punch inf times in cold war zombies
Does anyone know how many ordas spawn when your trying to go high rounds ????? On this map ?????
tbh i got a rai k on trials i gave it to a teamate nd tried to do it 4 more times but i only got a perks..
Forgot about aether shroud since frenzied guard came out I uh sort of fell in love with it😬
I figured out that bunny trick first try after watching another tutorial that just showed the steps without any methods pretty much just what steps are needed but not how to do them because I still wanted to kind of figure it out on my own but I needed a lil guide to figure things out completely once you initiate the Easter egg it pretty much guides you and gives you hints but it’s all about finding a method that you wil be successful
You and rofflewaffles sound the exact same I stg
A 200 iq player well I forget things I might have already watched this
I wish the Easter eggs gave 4 of everything so all players could take advantage of it. It’s annoying I do all the work to build the wonder weapon for another player to build it and take it
No golden mp5 triple packed takes him down in less then 3 minutes
why do you need cryo freeze for killing the boss
SECret you can get rai-k84 using legendary trials
you can break the stare to the bunny and in total it has to be 15 sec
Ayo claw grip squad
3:30 that's gotta be fake asf no way someone can do that ?
Orda is much harder now , they increased his health , we need a new video for that plzzzzzz🙌🏼
Dang, these are efficient minor tips for pros.
Am i the only one that understood aug mode instead of orb mode?
You know what will really be nice if you had a portion of points to unlock a door and add it to the door. Then what points that you've accumulated later on through the game you can just add the rest to the door to unlock it. And any extra points leftover after unlocking the door can be added to something else to unlock like mystery box or wall buying for example?