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A Beginner’s Guide to Blood Death Knight Tanking | World of Warcraft Dragonflight

We’re looking at Blood Death Knight tanking for beginners in this video. Blood DKs are one of the most unique tanking specs in World of Warcraft but they take some getting used to. If you want to learn how to play a blood dk then I hope this video helps you out.


0:00 Intro
0:50 In-depth look at Death and Decay
3:26 Tanking Playstyle
6:03 Things to pay attention to
6:50 Defensive Cooldowns
7:00 Vampiric Blood
8:02 Dancing Rune Weapon
9:16 Tombstone
10:20 Icebound Fortitude
10:34 Lichborne
10:48 Anti-Magic Shell
11:12 Stat Priorities
12:31 Runeforging
12:41 Macros
13:07 Practice Tips
13:34 Outro

This macro will make it so you’ll cast Death and Decay at your location without having to manually target it. You can still manually target it if you hold down control.

#showtooltip Death and Decay
/cast [mod:ctrl, @cursor] Death and Decay; [@player] Death and Decay

Mouse over macro for death grip

#showtooltip Death Grip
/cast [@mouseover,exists,nodead] Death Grip

This macro casts your other cooldowns

/cast Abomination Limb
/cast Raise Dead
/cast Empower Rune Weapon

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  1. Amazing guide dude! Coming from FFXIV, this is the type of class videos that I miss. Most guides these days are just: “here are the talents you need to take, here is the rotation- GO!” This guide broke down synergies, play style, explanations of the abilities themselves, and showed typical pull with commentary. THANK YOU! 10/10

  2. This is 9 months old, but honestly told me things no other of the 100 videos i tried to watch on the subject did in a simple and effective way. "Here's how you pull, here's what you need to watch for, here's your defensives, and your stat priority, go have fun" is just chef's Kiss thank you so much for this

  3. Fantastic video sir, thank you so much. Just started wow now again after 3-4 years off, started with Holy Priest and now I wanna tank in the future. Started lving my Blood DK, 60 atm. So in the nexct exp I can go both healer and prob the so nicest tank spec in the game.

  4. learning blood dk and its amazing how the other guides i watched/read didnt bring up tombstone's interaction with reducing dancing rune weapon, or that blood boil with drw will proc twice. thank you very much!

  5. It is a good guide. Please do simplify. Tanking is about adapting to what is presented by the game almost always.
    Emphasis on the Death and Decay was great. Blood plague should naturally be up most the time. It lasts longer than your abilities applying gave cooldown for. Utilizing a regular cycling of defensive Cool downs including the one that procs at 30% health. This is what Blood DKs must learn. IBF, LB, Will of the Necropolis I think is what it's called. Using these to initiate pulls throughout Dungeons is phenomenal for pushing the timer and making huge progress in Keys.

  6. Ive mained all healing classes throughout my WoW journey and finally considering have a true ALT to my WoW experience. I bought the top tier xpac for War Within and boosted a Death Knight to level 70 and want to play Blood Death Knight. I been in groups with these F'ers and they just blow my mind how I get out healed by their self-mitigation. I guess as the old saying goes "if you can't beat em join em 🤣Your guide was concise, simple, and very good narrative. Thank you!

  7. Wtf! This guide was insanely easy to follow and so informative! I wish every guide to every dps, healer and tank was like this idk why just everything you said and how you said it was so spot on! Amazing job

  8. As others have said, fantastic guide. I've been a healer main for many years and I'm looking to try something new to combat burnout. Your guide was concise, efficient, full of information – and I especially like that you aren't yelling at me. A lot of the guides are narrated by some bro who is yelling at me and I have no idea why. LOL

  9. so wait, I just started playing an old dk of mine who's never done shadowlands and he doesn't have abomination limb? Does this mean I have to go back and do it again and join the necrolords for it?

  10. Stat Prio part is “wrong” in a certain point. Haste should always be prio to around 25-30% at equal or at max 3 ilvl difference. Crit after reading a adequate amount of haste is your best Offensive and your worst defensiv stat. Again if you have the choice I would prio mastery/Vers over haste. But never go far over the cap, so you don’t loose secondary value (haste 30%, mastery 75% Vers 30% from gear). But you gonna reach these point only at dragonflight s3 high I’lvl

  11. I’ve been trying out WoW and loving it so far but scared to try new things like mythic+ or tanking without understanding the game better. Guides like these that show the synergies and importance of key gameplay elements really help me to get what the role does, one of the best guides I’ve watched thank you

  12. Omg! I'm still laughing at his comment (4:30 mark), when he says with just a hint of sarcasm, that DPS is usually blasting away by now. As a casting DPS, i'm guilty of that sometimes. Just can't hold back!! I know it drives tanks crazy though. Great content, very informative for someone like me who's looking to try something different. Thanks!

  13. This is awesome bro. Every other guide talks about meta, m+ raid guides with rotations. Ik how to rpg, just not wow, and i appreciate a guide i can understand. Subscribed 😁

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