Fiora has been a mainstay in top lane and a dominant one in high elo/pro play for upwards of 8 years. Today we’re gonna be discussing Why EVERYONE Plays her.
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#Fiora #LoL #WhyEveryonePlays
I wanna start maining fiora but i am horrible at her. ( I am silver adc main). Why the most op champions are the most difficult ones.
imagine crying about fiora in comments. to make her that overpowered you silver players think she is you need to master two thing: the macro = how minions wave works, reset timers, when to roam, why and where, itemization and so on + the micro = essentially mastering the champ. being able to perform all combos and adapt the combo to the scenario u are in. wich i guarantee you, especially if you are new, you cant master this in 1-2 months. most of times we play aganist an average fiora or below average that wins because we make stupid mistakes, not because she is broken by default. after u die to her yeah, you are pretty fucked, but this can be also said about dying aganist any toplane champ. thats how lane work, if u are behind and dont play safe u lose the lane and game sometimes.
Shes cute and plays like a fighting game character
To this day I still think Riven is the strongest out of the 4 horse man
Best way to counter MaxHP true damage is sheilds. Get Steraks for example instead of her needing 5 vitals for 20% HP true damage each she will need 7 to break the Sterak sheild.
Is the music CaoCao theme from DW8?
Fiora has a nutty leaning phase. It sucks to fight all the time
Every time I’m reminded fiora’s existence I feel soo happy that I perma ban her
Fiora would be feel more "fair" if she dindn't heal while bursting you down 100 to 0, and yes fiora is a stat checker
Why does Summoners Rift look like that?
Hi otp mordekaiser here i hate fiora just saying… 🙄
I love fioras gameplay, but did her passive have to be %max hp? Wouldnt it be better if the healing was both ad and max hp, as opposed to the damage?
Sadly I think its a symptom of the playmaker mentality of league. As an auto exclusive fighter, she doesnt have the time to play ADC with anyone, and she lacks the broken mechanics that others have so they can operate (Yi refreshing invincibility and true damage, trynd no cool down dashes and no die ult, yas/yone easy spamable knock ups, shields, dashes and immunities, jax stun and burst)
Fiora is suprisingly honest if you remove her passives damage. Underwhelming even. I know why she has the max hp true damage, Id even say she deserves it more than vayne. But I do wish it could be something else. Whatever that something else is though, it would also have to be pretty busted
She’s my number one ban top lane. I’d love to ban some of the other champs I suck at laning against, but they all pale in comparison to how much I hate playing against fiora.
I swear to God this is the most annoying meele champ I can play against as a top main. Bitch has dashes, counter, can outheal literally everyone after just 2 items while tanking 5 tower shots and most of her mains I played against were just toxic kids that only wants to ruin your mood. Sometimes I even think Vayne or Quinn are less annoying to play against and they are fckin range!
la Creatura
I just wish fiora had a different passive. Inthink everything else in her kit is mostly fine or can be fine with alme adjusting.
Sion main as well here.. i hate fiora. She has such a overloaded kit and this pisses me off.
What is it with riot giving champs %max health true damage and fuck tons of mobility?
Also 5:18 to all the comments saying "shields counter max HP true DMG". Try shielding that
One champ
Thats the biggest middle finger to fiora mains(although you rarely see good akali top players)
easyr said she is so much played cause the true dmg 1000 dmg braindead ult , tower dmg on fiora 100 dmg while fiora 0 armor stay under tower with 4000 hp 300 armor 300 ad fiora passive and ult and you are done you do nothing tower same but she nearly one taps you.
Percent health true damgage was a fuckin mistake.
A mechanic so uninteractive, the only thing you can do is run or kill the dealer first.
As a tank, If i put my mind to it, i can survive a Kog'Maw for a reasonable time.
He's meant to melt me, but i have a grace period in which i get to act, run and fight back.
Fiora wins. Period.
Camille Q2 with Sunderer means she too, wins. Period.
Vayne is an ADC, so her weaknesses are a little easier to exploit, but once she rolls, only thing you can do, is kill her first. Which, yeah. Good fucking luck.
I would add jax to your four horsemen of the toplane. make it five would you
YOOO he mentioned the kled woooo
My permaban. I have not let her through draft in 5 years, and have no regrets.
I mean, for a character you can't build defense against… Bramble tabis take away all her lane pressure lol
5:54 "full-on Saving Private Ryan " 😂😂😂😂
Fiora is one of those champs that just needs to be gutted. There is no reason that she should have ALL of the following: a passive able to deal 30% max hp true damage PER HIT at full build, her q resets allow her to be unkiteable post lvl 9, her w is literally a win fight button against every champ in the game if it lands REGARDLESS if she actually blocks cc or not (literally every attack speed slowing ability in the game is broken), for her e to give stat steroid AND an auto reset on a champ that has some of the best scaling in the game, and her ult to literally let her 100-0 anyone in the game regardless of build.
You mention the four horsewomen of top (some people say 5 if you include gwen but that's beside the point), and those are the four champs that I REFUSE to play, because they are so overtuned that the game just becomes outright unfun for me when I played them in the past.
Before anyone says there are other broken champs in Top: Darius, Olaf and K'Sante are in the same vein of champs that literally just turn the game into weenie-hut-junior. I'm not going to list them all but there are many champs in multiple roles that have this kind of feeling for me. I don't play the game much anymore cause riot has turned top into so much of an island and league into so much of a balance nightmare in general that I could save myself the effort and flip a coin to determine the outcome of each game.
Fiora is fair because it’s completely skill dependent. Counterpicking defeats the point of even picking a champion and completely devalues skill.
Alternative title: why fiora is broken – a rant
Is the background music from Symphony of the Night?
I do not agree it takes any sort of talent to play Fiora. She will carry a bronze player to gold on pure champion ability. After that they'll need to put in work to master her. But Fiora is so good just one tricking her hides a lot of sins of the player.
One of the fun parts about being a previous Fiora main and not getting past Diamond is that… All low level Fioras are EXTREMELY predictable. Like I mean, sure I'm not winning against an actual high elo Fiora player or a smurf but she's genuinely a free lane below Diamond.
It's like the same thing with most Skirmishers and people think they're good enough at the game to play them well, except vitals mean that you can see exactly what the enemy Fiora's planning to do and where she's planning to go. If you're gold elo and below I can bet Fioras in that range can't even splitpush effectively. I'm not even saying I'm good at the game, I'm just saying that Fioras are some of the worst players in my elo.
Fiora is a perma ban for me regardless of her if she is broken or complete dogshit
i guess fiora is so weak when she still didn't get picked cause i banned her
Ur 4 horsewomen of top lane needs to be updated, because Gwen pretty much fits in that list too.
I love that when I play my main I stomp. I hate that when I play against my main I lose…
When i play top, if i don't play a big fiora counter ( and they are uncommon… ) i ban fiora. Even a bad fiora can be so dangerous and always kill you if you missplay too, but it work only 1 way if you don't have the counterpick. But, blind pick fiora isn't sooo bad if you have 1 one those uncommon top counterpick, aka mostly mid picks player top or anti AA champ.