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World Of Warcraft: Whats Inside Temple Of Karabor

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  1. This and Shattrath city are such important places in Outland, but I visited them like one time in the Draenor version and never again. I also remember the promise of being able to put your garrison anywhere from BlizzCon. WoD was truly the fumble of the century.

  2. Man this just made my night, been really enjoying the WoD content you're making. Was always so sad they never did all the things they wanted to during it's lifetime. Another great video though, every one feels like a proper adventure 🙂 Can't wait to see what other secrets you'll find in the future!

  3. Interesting you didn't show off/find the upstairs textureless white room still found inside the live Karabor leftover from the beta interior.

    This video shows it off:

    But yeah, the first few alpha builds had Karabor fully designed from the inside, albeit without any textures along with that pretty monument in the center. Shame they scrapped Karabor and Bladespire for reused garrison buildings on Ashran.

  4. It's a crime we could not go in any of the important places like BT and Shati and stuff…what a joke blizzard…. Just make a dungeon like Kharazan or just make us have a long quest where you have to be exalted like a temple priest there to enter… Just something;

  5. Lunk first appeared in the Cataclysm expansion, he was one of the many npcs who fought against Ragnaros and his forces, and Lunk has not appeared since Warlords of Draenor, which is his second and so far last appearance

  6. I never played during WOD but I totally get why it was such a letdown :'( The fact that they have all these beautiful massive structures/cities that are just empty is so frustrating!! wasted potential :'(

  7. Quite interesting the fact they left that monument in there, even tho noone would ever see it. I wonder if is due to the fact that they out quite a bit of effort in that piece and would have been a waste just delete it, or if they thought they were gonna go back and actualy finish and use the temple, or left there intentionaly as some kind of easter egg?
    I like the monument clearly depict things about the Draenei: Sargeras, then underhim the thriumvirate of KJ, Archimonde and Velen, with the 2 of them corrupted painted red, the draenei riding the elek and Oshugun, with that "ring" around it that reminds me of how they using that symbology now to depict prissions made by titans. Of course the naruu is at the center, and the icon on the bottom i think is the icon of the race? I know they use it on a tabard you got in tbc when leveling through the starting zone, and is present in the vessels in Netherstorm so…. Anywah, pretty nice detail there.

  8. There was actually a lot more inside of there during the beta phase. It was never textured but had an internal layout that was scrapped when they tossed the plans for two major city hubs.

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