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After what feels like an eternity, Aurelion Sol FINALLY received his rework. Was it as good as we expected? Or were the sacrifices too great to achieve a more sustainable and popular playstyle? Let’s find out in Aurelion Sol’s Rework: A Retrospective!
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#LoL #Aurelionsol #Rework
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I actually HATE Singularity. Not for the gameplay, but for, the LORE. Yes, he bends the laws of the cosmos. But he has quotes that say things like "each star is one of my hearts," "love is as real a force as gravity," "I grieve for every star never born." It's clear that ASol values his stars IMMENSELY, and one of the reasons he never fully rebelled against Targon was because they threatened his stars.
So why in god's name does he summon a singularity? The leftover of a DEAD STAR?
The worst re work riot has ever done. This champion was perfect. Unique strong but also had so many flaws and counter plays that it wasn’t ever broken. They took that and made one of the most overpowered cancerous kits in the entire game. I cannot express how terrible this champion feels to play against once he has any items. If you don’t have any cc you are just being hosed down by a constant slowing fire breath that cannot be stopped. It’s disgusting and sad what riot did to this amazing champ.
does the pain of miss him ever go away. Wtf man
all he needed was an execute on the outer zone of his ult not a rework 🙁
i stopped playing after this rework. they massacred my boy
from one of most creative to the most unskilled champs
As an old asol main . ..
I fucking love the new one, i can finally enjoy playing a godlike entity and whipe out the summoners rift end game, just like in LOR.
Not some fake ass hoola hoop snake enjoyer
Just put his old kit in Swarm lol
they make fucking yasuo again (yone) with a couple of differences but they cant make another champ for a space dragon concept? tbh no one wouldve suggested this was Asol if this was came out as a new champ. but they took away his whole kit while making another champ with the exact same skill and playstyle that already exist. I'd prefer Asol having a twin instead of yasuo because no matter what anyone says, his OG kit was truly unique.
I just came bavk to playing LOL and i had always been a aurelion sol main. I don't even miss the old one, the reworked a sol is just SO FUN.
Somebody said the difference between Dota and league is Dota is a team of 5 that need to have synergy and league is a team of 5 individuals that can have some synergy.
ASol is not really a champ that meshes with league philosophy. The whole retracting stars W thing got fixed a few patches later. They gave him small move speed buffs all over his kit and it felt nice.
I didn't play ASol before the rework, I've only seen him played a few times, and I honestly thought his Q+E combo of flying super fast and creating an expanding star was his ult, because it was significantly more impressive than Voice of Light was.
Its a shame asol feels so generic. He used to have identity, now hes so bland
I absolutely love the new Aurelion…. In game is sooo beautiful.
i was always pure trash at league, except for when I played old asol. i miss him </3
"Making them as playable as possible" Then nerfing it into the ground? Like f Riot.
I dunno, I felt like this gave him a better identity over his old model. This screams to me "shaper and destroyer of worlds" a true cosmic dragon and creator wielding terrible power. But the old one felt too passive to really convey the gravity of his power.
I'd like to ilustrate my reaction whilst watching this:
"Boah he has a satellite ability? That's so cool!!! Why have I never seen him do that?
What the fuck is this garbage!
There surely could have been ways to fix his problems without gutting him."
I was so ready to try to learn old Asol.
I really like the mechanics of Asol when he has 3 orbs around him 😢
As an old Asol Main i find the reworked asol gameplay very limited and boring to play. They sacrificed a mobile battlemage with the need for skillful positioning, for a braindead Inferno Turret from Clash of Clans…
I hated the mini rework which turned him into a burst mage took all the fun out of it true it didn’t change much but it made him even more clunky for me at least
I often take breaks from the game. I loved Aurelio from release and he was my go-to midlaner. I remember when they changed his W to automatically recall his stars closer to his body I thought my keyboard was broken- like the W wasn’t working
Came back recently, took him mid, and got curb-stomped because I had never played this champion before 🙁
His rework was laziest shit I've seen
They threw away what made him unique
Easy fix: keep his starts, change 2 other abilities. Passive+ ultimate interaction is fun stardust empowering his ult now different feels good, keep his new ability hlackhole, make him a zoner, even if someone gets in his dead zone now he has all tools necessary to defend himself, new ult new blackhole and quick flight to escape. Why sacrifice what made aurelion sol aurelion sol to begin with
All they really needed to do with his passive is make it so you could do one of two things…
Either hold the Celestial Expansion button to pull the stars in to aurelion for a short duration, with the end of that duration causing them to blast out and cc people too close to him somehow. You could end it early by releasing the button or something, and having them pulled in wouldn't reveal where you are in bushes, giving him the ability to have bush strats.
OR make celestial expansion a 3.5/4 phase ability.
No stars (indefinite). Then stars (Indefinite). Stars expand to max range, moving faster (Limited duration). Tap ability while stars are max ranged to create an explosion from aurelion that ccs nearby close-range enemies and detonates the stars(Reset).
I don't mind new aurelion sol, but I really don't think the old design was hard to fix.
He's even picked less than he was, with lower winrate too.
Old Asol was good in theory, terrible in practice. Now he is good in both
When your entire bulshit champion design makes you delete one
Aurelion was my favourite Champ BY FAR in League, and I genuinely thought of just giving up League when this rework came out.
I get it, he wasn't popular, he was completely different, not"viable", but, sincerely, as someone who play's League to have fun, fuck that. In a meta where A-Sol was in complete torment due to assassins and gap closers, I was still having fun.
I don't play ranked, never have, been playing League since season 2, so yeah, although I get it just makes me feel like League isn't "to have fun", but to be competitive, and just that, viability before fun, it's just frustrating sometimes.
And on a different topic, if League is as toxic as it is, it's because of that, in my opinion, Riot prioritizing pro-play an competitiveness over casual play and fun and different playstyles like A-Sol. Just like I saw a few comments below, it's the Aatrox mains blight all over again.
Anyways, love your videos, Vars, hope you're doing well and greetings from Brazil.
The og asol was my jam. Then they killed him twice. And all for proplay. Wish his stars gameplay became some sort of new champion without the stupid roaming ability😊
Old ASol is still in the Wild Rift by the way. If you miss it you can still play him there, it's something
It was a champion for very few. He was released when I started to play league and it was the most beautiful champion I ever saw. People told me not to buy it because it was very hard for someone Who starts. They were right and I bought him anyway. I could never use it. So sadly he remain in my collection, forgotten. He was the champ I adore but couldn't use. It felt sad that he was only for a very few good players, like some sort of elite champion. The rework gave me the possibility to play him finally :') I even have skins but I use him without them because I prefer him made of stars. I'm very thankful, but sad for the ones who made a Big effort to learn him. But old sol still in the Wild rift by the way
why not just make a new champ? why ruin the old ASol? They could've made a Sun light champ or something along those lines?.. with this new kit? and keep old Asol
worst rework ever, champ used to take skill and now just breathes fire while flying with no counterplay. NEAT!
His new kit feels way more lore accurate and is cooler which is nice but i liked the old one much more learning how to properly space against enemies, when to kite vs. pursue was what mad hik unique and fun. I understand that he was unappealing to learn and you needed to int 10 games just to learn him which lead to his <1% pickrate buts thats what made him worth it. Even more so in the S10/11 meta with every champ mid having a dash
The rework is great don't get me wrong, the saddest part is mainly that they have no other champion that scratches the same itch that old asol gameplay did, old asol was clunky and hard to learn but had crazy potential once learned. He basically becomes a ghost at lvl 3, everyone start playing slightly safer everytime he goes missing due to the easy roams he has (similar to talon).
The rework is well-made and great, but it is sad to see such a unique kit disappear, almost wish they just made a new champ with this kit but I fully understand why it needed to happen 🙁
It wasn’t the problem with Asol that he had a dead zone… It was the game itself with all these dashes that was the problem. It still is
they should have made his W smaller but act like a poppy W and even move them in an orbit motion
I think the thing that's a shame is that his old kit will become lost to time despite being so unique and interesting. It would be a shame if we never saw the spinny stars ever again. Maybe Riot could add a new character who's related to Asol in some way and has something similar to his old kit minus the dash.
Is the rework not for mobile yet bc im stilk playing the old sol