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How Powerful Are Druids? – World of Warcraft Lore

Druids, how powerful are they in the lore? Covering their history, abilities and comparing them to other classes.
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In this video I cover the druids and how powerful they are in the lore. Covering their history, the various druid races and their abilities. Lastly I compare them to some of the classes and give my own subjective ranking. Do keep in mind that this entire ‘How Powerful Are’ series is just my opinion based on the existing lore facts.

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  1. Druids are the jack of all trades, master of none class imo. Probably by far the best/easiest class in the game to solo content as they have a tool for every job. Great class to main in that sense.

  2. In My opinion druids are second most powerful class after Warlocks.
    They are not mid tier for sure.
    They can shapeshift every Animal as u say.
    But most powerful druids Powers is that comes from stars and Sun.
    They dont exacly need to be in Forest to be usefull.
    Just desintegrate enemy with star beam or solar wrath.
    Or Just trow star shards from the sky. I Think thats Even more powerful than Arcane or Even Void Magic.
    But i also think that the Void is True Counter for Life.

    Death is not much of an counter to life.
    Death is Just the other side of the same coin.
    Dont counter ench other.
    But Void?
    Well Void brings Madness on Life and and horrific coruption. Even more dengerous than Fel in this case i think. Not more destructive but dengerous.
    Void countera life and elements.
    But no counters light as same as light do not counter Void.
    Two side one coin agein.
    For example Lights counter death but light is countered by most destructive energy as Fel or Elements.
    Here is some wierd thing couse Fel based on lore counters Arcane Even when the also Two sides of one coin.

  3. So from my understanding, these are the classes ranked from strongest to weakest

    Demon hunter
    Death knight
    Shadow priest

    This is from my understanding

  4. I’d say in theory they’re actually one of the strongest classes. In no specific order, I’d say top 5 are: 1. Druids 2. Mage 3. Paladin 4. DK? 5. Warlock? Druids probably top 2 tbh

  5. Druids can pretty much defeat all classes. Is not all about damage is about survival. If druids use all their arsenal almost everyclass can get destroyed. (this sounds like PVP but is not, lorewise this class has alot to play with).

  6. I know that this video was released some years ago but there are some lore mistakes here and there.

    First things first trolls are as much druids as any other class and their druidism is not voodoo. You could see what I mean by speaking to the troll druid trainer in echo isles, they were literaly trained and connected to emerald dream ^^ They just address wild gods as the loa.

    Secondly, cat form against a rogue and bear against a hunter is not a good..way to explain things. In lore it was shown again and again that their animal forms aren't normal animals. Sometimes they are bigger sometimes they even have stoneskin. Though ven back in warcraft 3 we know that bears were able to literally go toe to toe against demons. Feline's forms senses too are rather sharp and is unnaturally agile and what not.

    Thirdly this isn't a lore mistake but I think it is something that you forgot to mention, although dks are a hero clas and albeit are quite strong, especially due to saronite. It was shownin game lore tha life can be andis a counter to death. In Plaguelands you literally can sow seeds and make flowers and roots bloomd, in a barren landscape, in icc raid the green dragon prisoner says that she was able to keep up against lk's coruption for that long (and four liches) thanks to an acorn she brought from dream which's life force countered their corruption, and thirdly you can actually save malygos's first mate, sindragosa with a questline, you shoot out energies of life to the massive undead dragon to respark her soul and save it by pulling it out off the undead shell it holds..and lastly grean dragon we saved just destroys all the undead there via a life nova..Oh and lastly, some druids can actually use ACID.


    You left out a LOT about druids powers. You focused only on the "trees" and "animals" part of being a druids powers

    You realize that Nature encompases MUCH more than that. And in lore and in gameplay that all druids have powers connected to the Astral plane and Harness UNIVERSAL magic of the light from stars the moon and the sun. And not only that, but even in a DESERT there is nature, nature encompases all life, the wind, air and SEA as well. All clearly shown in gameplay, and in the lore as well.

    You can dump a Druid in a "box" or even a "lifeless" demon world. Because a druid isn"t restricted to trees and squirells buddy. They have their own internal Magic to summon nature and project just like normal magic. Just look at balance druids, summoning windstorms from nothing, beams of pure astral Nature energy they absorb from all stars which exist in the ENTIRE universe.

    Druids are the epitome of LIMITLESS potential because the power they draw upon already resides within themselves and in the universe everywhere. Regardless if they're in a box, or a single planet.

    Face it dude, if it wasnt for game mechanics, the druids would OWN the other classes powers. But out of neccesity of balance the game and lore have to be toned down to manage

  8. Death Knights: Weakness against druids also depends on the scenario, because if that Druid can tap into the Emerald Dream, it's done. Especially against a DK: as seen in the quest "That which creates can also Destroy" and it's prelude quest "Seed of the Lashers" we know that the energy of the Emerald Dream is just devastating against unholy creatures. Mages have the issue of having their magic nullified with stuff like Mark of Ursol (which has lore) and stuff like Insect Swarm, which causes buzzing so intense even Illidan couldn't focus hard enough to create a spell.

  9. I don't think the enviroment would be that huge of an issue. You're really downplaying shapeshift forms. They're much more powerful then the average animal of the transformation, for example a druid in bearform would completely devastate a normal bear, without a sweat.

  10. Sorry, but I'd rather go for a power that doesn't:
    – Cause me to rely on the whims of an external agent.
    – Is fully functional only in specific environments.
    – Demand me to conform to only a specific way of usage.

    That rules out druidism, shamanism as well as the Light (unless I wield the Light forcibly like Blood Knights).

    Its the reason why I've always picked warlock or mage.

  11. Just to add this here… comparing classes, like you firstly said, is impossible. A normal bear and a druid calling on the Wild Gods is not the same thing. They are not equal in power.

    Also, the Wild Gods ARE the Loas. It is simply spiritually different and they connect to the Wild Gods in a very different way than we do. Trolls can dream as we do, but they do not call on "our" Wild Gods, they call on the Loas. Very much like Gods have different names and shapes in real life.

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