We talk to Blizzard Entertainment about how they turned World of Warcraft, a successful MMORPG, into a competitive popular Esport.
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Is WOW an e-sport !?!? Lol
Lol? people still play this game? Stopped around wrath after lich king died.
I honestly thought this game shut down 2 years ago. around cata this game was so dated it wasnt even funny anymore.
There are better mmos out there now. its really hard for me to believe this game is still running, what like do they have 1000 players now or something?
wow esport is dead lol no one really takes it seriously
E-Sports are a part of the future, no doubt.
it was NEVER a popular esport ¬¬
I just love how they state that its a growing e-sport, while in reality, all the great PVPers/youtubers quit WoW or went to PVE instead, barely anyone even playing arena nowdays
As someone who plays WoW and also enjoys the pvp from time to time, I don't get why people can even see this as a good esport, also Ryan Holinka is a terrible lead pvp designer.
WoW and Esports?? Blizz as always rushing with the April Fool's jokes.
My favourite game so many years of addicted gameplay.
I will miss Chris Metzen
Isn't WoW PvP kinda dead? Article presented little info to the contrary.
i just came to say:
thumbnail= shrek and Goro's lovechild
competitive WOW or known as LUL
More like "was a popular esport" nowadays they've made the game so accessible that they've greatly reduced the skillcap.
still not balanced, they need to stop relying on autistic people to work on class balancing
More esports content please!
Beautiful, I absolutely enjoyed this, which is a lot to say from a vid from IGN. WoW is probably the best game ever made. Thanks, you did PvP justice in this.
I read popular escort lol
Just let Wow die … Anda make WoW 2 😉 .
He looked excited to announce that's he's researching Warcraft. Lol. Such great moments!!! Great video dude!
WoW is a popular esport? huh?
decent docu ign.. for once
4:10 = Said no one ever.
i played this game from vanilla to WotLK, have a very strong handle of abilities/classes etc, and its still nigh impossible to understand what is going on in these broadcasted matches. they need to address that, and my only suggestion is less player POV swaps / 3rd person, or let us just watch the whole match from one players POV
i taught that the thumbnail was Shrek
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Daddydew Kappa
Those athletes deserve recognition, speaking as a professional athlete myself , WoW demands a lot from you.