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The 7 BEST TIPS for BEGINNERS in League of Legends

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  1. Just something for new players, the people that call you shit aren’t being personal about it, they call everyone shit, because they are coping for their own skill issues.

  2. i understand, that it is important to pick the right champion in the draft phase but i think you miss the point that a new player doesnt know all or any champions and their prefered damage. It is also important to understand that if you make a guide or tips video for new players, that you cant talk about itemizing and counter building items because the item system is one of the most confusing things for a new player.

  3. I vent gold2 from silver 4 this season just dodge 2-3 Times every day. I hate my self for not learn this earlyer. In silver i find it useful for tank becuse games allways go late.
    So if team has no tank I dodge. It worked for me but not allways.

  4. its funny whatch videos about a stretagy game

    what exist is what people do, but you dont need to do whatever a korean player do, because thats what everybody do, not playing by your own strategy, just copy what koreans and chineses do

    so they can still on the top for ever

    play with your own strategy, meta doesnt exist, meta is like fashion….

  5. Thank you! I have always found Summoners Rift so overwhelming 😅 especially as a noob myself. The toxic behaviour and excessive (not needed) pinging can really turn me off from playing (thank god for being able to mute players), although I have had my acc since 2019, but I don't play it as much as I would like due to my lack of knowledge and some players behaviors. I would love to play the game more, i find the characters (play style, designs and lore) really interesting. I hope to get better at league without looking like a noob😆

  6. what's with those people that try to surrender literally every 5 minutes and it's still early game. Literally had my team trying to surrender and 3 mins later we won the game

  7. I think the biggest issues with new players for league is the fact that so many people are not receptive to new players. Then the amount of smurfs and such in the game just kind of ruin the game as well. I've nothing against people being great at the game and everything but hell ive been trying to learn league since 2015ish and everytime it just seems overwhelming with the amount of people who expect you to play like you are in the world finals off the rip.

  8. Coming from a background of FPS games such as CSGO, I thought I'd give this game a try because my buddy really enjoyed it. This video was super informative and not one bit confusing. I find most people who make videos like this typically carry on the complicated lingo and such into their tutorial tips and tricks videos, but you did a good job of dumbing down the pace for someone like me.

  9. Like this helps. Tried to play the game. Get killed instantly, constant afk and I had to minimize the chat that was so unnecessary and unbelievable…

    Worst game for new players ever.

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