Trouble in Scarlet Monestary! Compilation 15 of the latest deaths and highlights from the fresh World of Warcraft Classic Hardcore servers.
Streamers: Gunnar, Lt_Custard, dafran, jadedlvl, Denakina, Dantes, MoonMoon, juliakins, Jaybeezy, sodapoppin, loltyler1pilavpowa, aiai_online, Bizentein, KragarDuels, KungenTV, Lacari, Paxelol, luxx, EsfandTV, Mr Wobbles
#worldofwarcraft #classicwow #wowhardcore #wow #classichardcoremoments
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Maybe if she put her tits away the centaurs wouldn’t be gooning after her.
show the whole clip instead of clipping the clips maybe?
If gnome warlock didn't panick, he would have mop'd the floor with warrior. Kudos to the war though he had some serious balls going after a warlock.
how did they not get out with 2 mages ?? just coc nova blizzard (if skilled) 😂
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I'm starting to think all these streamers are just bad at the game. Did they even play Vanilla growing up?
3:50 uhh you fucked yourself lol. No fade on hotbar? lolz, didnt shield self once, didn't fear once, yeah your fucked and we see why
Couldn't care less about WoW, but since Mr Wobbles is here…
classic jungler awareness entire party is telling him to run and hes just white foam noises
wtf is wrong with you, why you need all this cancer montage and shitty zooms
4:20 why did they pull whitemane out of the chapel????
Only horde videos?
Also that warrior that killed the warlock is a POS. He got nothing out of it and ruined that guy week for sure
Women who sit on twitch with there tits out should be permabanned from Twitch.
Won't ever get a single cent from me until that shit is fixed.
13 year old kids on this site, and every single women got her huge knockers out farming views, meanwhile the same women cry when men objectify them.
Dumb broads.
Killing someone atleast 3 levels below you, what. a. highlight.
Bro Esfand is so bad it hurts
it amazes me how bad these streamers are rofl like 0 awareness at all
Fs all around
The gys at the end sing like god wtf is insane good
9:50 another fake death
does it all the time
4:28 1 red elite nearby. 😂
Warlock with some goated movement!
Edgemaster's Handguards drop is crazy
The rogue falling dmg is just scripted but hey content
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32? Bro I’m doing it at 30
Lacari AOE grinding with no arcane int or frost armor hahahaah
Celibacy and Vulpes … two mages in that SM group and they leave everyone in their group behind. Not one nova, slow, 😂😂😂😂
How did Fatty McTitties make it to 38?!
These only fangs clips are super cringe
God I can't stand sodapoppin
Warrior in SFK literally has no awareness