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How to ATTACK MOVE & KITE like a PRO – League of Legends

How to ATTACK MOVE & KITE like a PRO in League of Legends
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Concepts: league of legends,how to kite,kiting,attack move,orb walking,lol settings,adc,league of legends settings,challenger hotkeys,kiting guide,attack move lol,how to kite in league of legends,league best settings,league of legends pro guides,attack move click guide,target champions only lol,lol attack move,lol kiting,lol attack move left click,lol attack move on cursor,lol kiting guide,adc kiting,how to attack move click,league of legends settings guide

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  1. I have a problem. I have everything checked, but the circle still isn’t showing. The “click near champion and still hit champion” doesn’t work either since I don’t have the circle popping up when pressing A

  2. this is such a fundamental part of the game that i never even started to grasp as a kid when it first came out. now, as an adult getting back into it, this is the first thing that i start to wonder about.

  3. I don't know if it had been said, maybe I missed it, but target champions only doesn't work with player attack move click, it will still hit the nearest target, may it be minions, from your click. To make target champions only work you have to manually click on the champion with your mouse click (?)

  4. For anyone new got one more tip (depending on comfort)
    Instead of "A" bind it to "R". Move ult to T and also bind it to a miuse button (if you have a decent button mouse). It will be a little weird at first (and probably some ults fired backwards lol) but it's great once you get the memory and you dont have to risk hitting A instead of Q for an ability which might be crucial to your kit even while kitting. Most ults arent skillshots and tbh mine were better when i made the shift. I also only use Logitech mice so this may be dependent on mouse button sensitivity.

  5. If you use 3rd you lose atack range cursor even if have it enabled in the settings. Is there a way to make it repear ? Cuz the 3rd one feels the most clean but is very sad to lose the range indicator.

  6. Played since Season 1, and never learned about this until like season 11. After over a decade of league, I am one the rare players that just finds it easier to not use it at all. Eventually you get accurate enough with right clicking that you almost never miss your target.

  7. thanks helped me alot. forgot about this mechanic. returned to the game. want to improve as adc. and i knew i was missclicking alot or missing that AA when enemy walked into a bush. what cause you to lose 😀

  8. DO WHATS COMFORTABLE. I’m masters adc/supp and have my auto attack move click (3rd option the video mentioned) binded to my scroll wheel click/middle mouse button. My friends think I’m a psychopath but they’re also hard stuck platinum soooo

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