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5 of The MOST SECRET & UNIQUE Weapon Transmogs In World of Warcraft!

Modern World of Warcraft has continued to add more and more earnable cosmetic items, but some of the more rare and unique items are much less known. So in this video we go over 5 of the most unique and hidden weapon transmogs in the game.
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  1. Of these weapons, I have The Infinite Hand, Taeshalach, and Gorehowl, Might of the Warchief. All the weapons you listed are extremely rare drops, which makes them special. In fact, I dropped Taeshalach in the first week LFR was released back in Legion xD. I felt special at the time good times.

  2. Dawn of the Infinite on Mythic is a bit scuffed at the moment, something is up with the soak during the Iridikron fight. I used to be able to solo this no problem, but recently Chromie is getting two-shot during the soak phase. Even with a class that can heal her, she was dying faster than I can heal. For some reason they've scaled Iridikron's damage, where before that spell did 1 million damage, now it's doing almost 70 million damage directly to Chromie while doing almost nothing to my character. Not sure if this is a change in preparation for future mythic+ or timewalking where it now requires a full party for the soak, but it's definitely killed solo adventures for Quantum drops off the last boss.

  3. Just the red sycthe to go for me – as an aside the enchant point for Gorehowl is where the skulls red glow is on side opposite the axe head – so Flames of Ragnaros just enhances that effect and fits well IMO rather than drowning the whole thing in flames, Whereas Flames of Ragnaros just makes Tae’shalach look even more burny and, if possible, cooler…erm, you know what I mean.

    The maiden’s hammer goes well with some Hellfire citadel fell corrupted mythic plate armour and a green corrupted draenei shield (can’t recall the names). Now if only we could get a fellfire enchant illusion like some of the wrathguard had in Legion…

  4. i believe the sword from agrammar and the scythe from the last boss cannot be looted by everyone, its like nowdays mounts, which "appear" in your bag, i can be rolled with extra loot coin tho.

  5. God dammmit bro…. Why’d you have to make this video…. Now I’m going to farming the polearm everyday…. I already have the amazing Gorehowl but I need the Scythe of the Unmaker.

  6. I'm ashamed to admit I got the scythe in my first lfr: died on my hunter within the first moments, laid there the entire fight and at the end it dropped in my bag… I feel a tiny pang of guilt every time I tmog it.

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