#bo6 #callofduty #warzone
Learn this new bo6 glitch, bo6 zombies glitch, black ops 6 glitch that can be used as a bo6 xp glitch, camo glitch bo6, black ops 6 xp glitch, bo6 weapon xp glitch and a black ops 6 camo glitch all fully afk and solo. This is one one of the few afk and solo bo6 glitches and bo6 zombies glitches that work right now for camos, xo, weapon xp and more for bo6 level up fast. This xp glitch bo6 and bo6 camo glitch also work as a bo6 prestige glitch or to get to level 1000 fully afk and solo using the bo6 god mode glitch. Watch the best bo6 glitches/bo6 zombie glitches/black ops 6 glitches on this channel like; bo6 xp glitch, bo6 camo glitch, bo6 zombies god mode glitch, zombies glitch bo6, bo6 weapon xp glitch, bo6 solo glitch, black ops 6 xp glitch and more. For now enjoy this BO6 GLITCH video for all the camos, xp, weapon xp or anything in the game fully AFK and can be done SOLO.
Safe, Cheap & FAST Delivery Call of Duty Hard Unlock Camos, Dark Matter/Nebula, Bot Lobbies, Nukes, Double XP/Monster Codes for ALL PLATFORMS at MitchCactus 10,000+ Verified Reviews- https://mitchcactus.co/?coupon=BUBS
MY BUBS Discord- https://discord.gg/bubs
Easter egg steps- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tI9dwinLua0&t=137s
Boat racing EE- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-8a69Fja1U&t=55s
Intro- 0:00
SETUP for AFK- 4:24
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Subscribe for more mw3 glitches/mw3 glitch- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOwhomM03wcVJNJgHM8PrpA
My playlist- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOwhomM03wcVJNJgHM8PrpA/playlists
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Music I use:
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnBLFyQKFOnopa8WWSCtblA
Track: Lost Sky – Vision [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
Watch: https://youtu.be/7RU1l8GtGOc
Free Download / Stream: http://ncs.io/VisionID
Track: Whales & ggnoaa – Paranoia [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
Watch: https://youtu.be/y_oYnDqYPtw
Free Download / Stream: http://ncs.io/ParanoiaYO
Music from Free To Use Music
Track: Breath by Rabbit Theft
Outro Song Artist- Soundcloud- https://soundcloud.com/miketherappper
Instagram- @_mike_big
YT- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLUDgwjc6wi-SttGfEDN9Pw
Aether shroud method is very inconsistent so use this THIS THE ONLY AFK IVE BEEN USING TO GET TO LEVEL 1000 on my ALT AFK ACCOUNT! Go crazy with this during DOUBLE XP!
Safe, Cheap & FAST Delivery Call of Duty Hard Unlock Camos, Dark Matter/Nebula, Bot Lobbies, Nukes, Double XP/Monster Codes for ALL PLATFORMS at MitchCactus 10,000+ Verified Reviews- https://mitchcactus.co...
Is it Patched
I tired this with my boy. After getting the mega stuffy, I went into the ship and got downed by didn't get a res. Idk if its pacthed or I am just unlucky
Still working????
I think it’s patched been doing it since but the zombies die in the room after 3 minutes
Tips for gaining salvage during glitch for ammo mod challenges
To confusing the last part just jumps to zombies stuck in a wall. have no clue what I’m doing
Hell Yeah🔥
Pretty solid but I always lag and then the server kicks me just at 3 hours. It’s done that every time I’ve played directed on terminus for longer runs, including the pile ups
How do you get the other player that helps you back alive so they can get kills too? If yu cant end the round.
Does this still work?
To anyone trying to do this and you have no idea what your missing or why its not working well this guy left out alot of information exacting everyone to know what to do, look up gaming exploits channel in youtube and his video for this glitch is by far way way better then this bosos video
Crazy it's the third time i got a bugged round, round 19/20/18
My zombies just die when the hatch opens and I have tried 10 times now but they just keep dying.
So I call this bs
i’ve been stuck cuz idk how to survive in the ship for 3 minutes without the stuffy and everything bc it’s in directed mode
Has it been patched ?
When doing it split screen can you leave the game on the second controller?
What happens if one leaves to prestige will it break the glitch?
A while after I drop the canister the hatch automatically opens even tho my teammate is on island and I didn’t kill nobody, wtf is this.
Awesome another way to NOT play the game, I might as well just uninstall
does this work on pc coop?
dont you have to leave the lobby to prestige?
How do u get in that room?
i kept getting trapped most annoying thing i swear
Stuffy did not revive me, I activated it and went one round and it was nowhere to be seen
The boy lobby did not work
How are you gonna go AFK your gun will run out of ammo like in 3 minutes
Hope I win today fr. Tired of grinding
The success rate is not 100 I got revived everytime survived and it somehow didn’t work they spawned normally
I don’t think you can do Easter eggs in directed mode.
Glitches like this just make nebula and lvl 1000 more worthless for people that actually grind for it.
If I see anyone in pubs running this they’re getting report spammed
Double XP ain’t even working right!
Sorry to say but double XP don’t work like you think
If anyone has another controller but it’s not letting you play split screen by saying the other person needs ps plus, what you can do is make your PlayStation your main console that allows anyone who’s on your PlayStation able to play online games!! I have 2 PlayStations and one will let me play split and the other wouldn’t so I tried that and it fixed the problem! Just in case someone can’t play split!
These should be titled “zombie glitches” do you have any for multiplayer?
The aether shroud method does work, you just need to tap forward the second you activate it so it puts you in the room above it.
I’m sorry but these glitches suck bring back the solo zombies glitch and the camo swap glitch 😢
Does this still work for anybody? When the hatch opens every zombie is killed for me
Before y’all use the aether shroud
Y’all post to move forward before activating
do you know why Fluffy didn’t revive me?