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Fresh Classic Hardcore Moments 6 💀

Hope you had a good start to your week! Sixth compilation of the latest deaths and highlights from the fresh World of Warcraft Classic Hardcore servers.

Streamers: Ahmpy, Dantes, Eiya, Garretdenman, GingiTV, jerryscousinn, JokerdTV, jaytullo, LadyHope, Psybear_tv, pokelawls, loltyler1






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  1. Lol, the guy at the end. Why can't I stomp. Error messages on screen: "You are facing the wrong way" & "Can't do that while moving". GL making this generation read. Won't even do it in game.

  2. 7:35 if you're wondering what they did wrong, other than pulling an extra mob: they didn't treat mana as a scarce resource. Maybe they came from retail WoW, where mana doesn't matter. But the shaman was using shocks for dps (on the Voidwalker) and not meleeing or using mana-efficient totems. The druid kept shifting into bear form for a few seconds at a time, using up huge chunks of mana as well as interrupting mana regen. All the while, Gazz'uz was pumping out huge dps with shadowbolts.

    Always focus or CC the 'glass cannon' caster. Ignore the Voidwalker tank: it's literally there to serve as a distraction, although it regrettably does not disappear like player pets when its master dies. Interrupt the shadowbolts with Earthshock. It's worth it to burn mana to take down Gazz'uz as quickly as possible using spells like Moonfire, or by opening with your strongest ranged nukes.

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