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20 Tips that Helped me on Citadelle Des Morts.

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  1. One of my favorite Easter eggs since bo3 I really think this map is on the same tier as gorod krovi and I love gorod krovi and one of my favorite Easter eggs but idk man maybe it’s hype but this map is amazing

  2. Love how you explain things in these type of videos man- super easy to follow. I feel like other zombies youtubers try to get out the shortest videos, but they end up being harder to follow or even missing info

  3. the only tips i would like are the ones that stop the game from crashing over and over as well as the tips that stop the Easter Egg from completely resetting andm ayeb even a tip or two that will stop the easter egg from locking completely after hours of set up on ur one day off work. Those tips please. i wanna end myself this is fucking dumb.

  4. Oh by the way you said idle eyes don’t work on boss you couldn’t be more wrong 😂 if you pop it just before you enter the boss he freezes on the spot making it effortless 👏🏻👏🏻

  5. Finished it solo and it was pretty nightmarish the amount of times my game lagged and put me to title screen then when I returned all Easter egg materials had gone 🤦‍♂️ glad it’s over

  6. If you use idle eyes right before the golem stomps, and sends you through the portal the boss will be frozen. As long as you still have it active when you enter the arena, and he does his animation. DONT ACTIVATE TOO EARLY! Trust me, I did it for my solo ee run <3

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