In this video we’re going to show how you can easily beat the Citadelle des Morts Boss for the new Black Ops 6 Zombies Map CITADELLE DES MORTS on BLACK OPS 6 ZOMBIES
Black ops 6 easter egg BLACK OPS 6 ZOMBIES BOSS BLACK OPS 6 ZOMBIES CITADELLE BOSS black ops 6 zombies guide bo6 zombies easter egg CALL OF DUTY EASTER EGG CALL OF DUTY EE citadelle des morts citadelle des morts boss fight CITADELLE DES MORTS BOSS FIGHT GUIDE citadelle des morts easter egg CITADELLE DES MORTS EASTER EGG GUIDE CITADELLE DES MORTS EE CITADELLE DES MORTS ZOMBIES codenamepizza
Unbelievable guide, I just smashed it. Thanks for this pizza 🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🥚🥚
Plz someone saying the name of the music in the background of this video?
I got to the boss fight and died the second phase 🥲
This is definetly gonna get changed. They will peobably decrease melee damage to the boss
The EE is fun but is just way too easy 💀
Thank you so much for this! Final boos fight was a breeze with this strat
I got ready for the boss fight solo for 1 and a half hours just for my game to freeze with the guardian key
What is the best ammo mod for the new map boss fight🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕
Yeah it's called cheese..
Not fun
50 times tho 🤣🤣🤣
Hey pizza, I wanna see your other augments to know what you’re running exactly cause the second he stepped on you. He barely took your shields down. What did you do, brother man
Ur voice gives me aids
This is fun and unique but needs to be fixed. This map is all about the swords, so not even bringing one to the boss fight probably doesn’t go with treyarchs ideas for this map
another tip for anyone still struggling: use the melee macchiato augment called expresso and it will speed up the power drill swings allowing you to kill the boss even faster 👍
If you dont mind using a glitch and have neither of the 2 gobblegums shown in this video, you can use idle eyes gobble gum after activating the boss, When the boss jumps of the thing he stands on in spawn, you can activate idle eyes (just before you get TP'd to the boss room) . Then when you get onto doing the damage to the boss, he will completely ignore you and stand still in the middle of the arena for all 3 phases, which just means you dont have to use 3 shrouds if you cannot get all 3. I done it 5 times and all 5 times its worked, ive been helping people through the egg all day doing this method! If anyone needs help with the egg, just let me know and i'll try get round to giving a few people a hand tomorrow when i wake up 😀
I keep dying in the fight. I make it to third at no luck. Am gonna try your advice and I'll let you know if I finally beat it. Pray for me😅
Can somebody help me with the easter egg? I know how to do basically everything just struggling solo.
I'd really love to see the swords buffed. They're easily my favorite wonder weapons just based off their parry mechanics and themes but they fall off too quickly. A regular melee weapon should not be better then the wonder weapons lol. The swords should be able to kill 3 to 5 zombies per swing and their special abilities should always kill no matter the round. Their base damage should be buffed as well so that they are the best weapons to use against the boss. I feel like there should be a further upgrade to them like how the origins staffs are upgradable. The swords are too easy to get as it is so having an addition upgrade quest to power them up would be awesome in my opinion. Everyone starts from the base bastard sword, then picks which element they want to upgrade it to, then they power it up seeing how they can't be pack a punched or anything.
Or throw a idle eyes down just at the beginning spawn spot right as he jumps down and he is frozen the whole fight 😂
Epic my man
You definitely need to use Expresso or Espresso for the Melee Machiato perk. You melee much much faster with the Drill and you can maximize the most out of Aether Shroud that way. You were attacking so slow it was painful to watch 😂