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If WoW Dies This is Why

If WoW Dies This is Why


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  1. Maybe they need to let any level character be able to que up for PvP and everyone just gets scaled up to max level and I hate to say it, maybe templates was the way to do things. To help with reward structure they need to overhaul the ranking system and make it so you get a reward for every bracket you rank up in.

  2. The people left cannot fix the problem, because they cannot understand the problem.

    The problem isn’t player gap, or any of this micro nonsense these imbeciles discuss…

    The problem is the game is lame and ghey. Only a complete dork with nothing going on in life and/or they’re paid to play would play this game.

    They need to make a game that isn’t ridiculously lame or it doesn’t matter, “how do we incentivize new players!?”

    🤣🤣🤣🤣 try starting with making the game for normal people and not freakazoids

    Wow shills and fanboys get mad at this, and it proves my first point. It’s a self fulfilling prophecy that the losers left will kill the game because they don’t understand what’s going on lolZ

  3. WoW is just outdated. Nobody wants to find a group, rely on other people, and grind for gear. I think there should be less focus on relying on others and let individual play take priority. People want to play group content but not have to rely on a group to have fun or succeed.

    IMO there is no saving WoW pvp/pve. Sure they can make it better but in reality they need something completely new to stay relevant and grow.

  4. How about having a mentor program that rewards you for taking an under geared player, maybe with more crests. Maybe this just encourages botting, but they have to do something. The game needs new players, but that only makes the skill and gear gap worse.

  5. 90% of these comments and players are veteran players of 5+ years…

    Simply put: the game is overcomplicated for newcomers and most of the popularity is with veteran players from previous expansions

  6. This is exactly what I have proposed via several different social media a few weeks ago. Promote certain specs based on the number of keys run with that spec in previous week. For example the top 2 less played healers/tanks and the top 5 less played dps. Double the crests if you bring that spec and/or double the count for the vault. So you only need to do 4 runs of 3 options in the vault. There are so many way to promote certain specs or certain roles.

    What I would really like is to run the key in practise mode. So no timer, so change to upgrade, but increased rewards to promote learning runs. For example you wipe on a pack due to people interrupting the wrong spell. In a practise run you can change your plater profile on the spot instead of forgetting it after the run.

  7. One thing I’ve noticed lately is gamers are getting older but still want the same things.. not just for WoW.. we desperately want a game we can sink our whole lives into.. we want to feel excited, invested. Something we can play all day everyday. But maybe life isn’t like that anymore. Maybe it’s ok to play WoW have some fun and then play something else or maybe even go find a passion that isn’t gaming related. Gaming will always be there for when we get back.

  8. make it a pure world game. Remove all instantced content. Make arena, raids, mythic plus separate game mode. Put more survival elements in it. Simplify rotation. Remove button bloat, remove mobility bloat. For everyone complaining that this won't work, just take a look at Classic: cause that's basically what it is. Remove flying mounts, or make it have 30 minutes cooldowns.

  9. I’m 34 my gf is 23 she could not pick up retail there was just too much but she genuinely enjoyed classic hardcore and even though I’m a mythic plus Andy I finally see from her perspective why it’s hard for new players to pick it up

  10. I can't imagine new players wanting to stick around after some experiences. Joining TW dungeons and you get tanks that just run at mach speed trying to kill the minimum bosses to get credit for the dungeon and move on. Not a great experience. PvP you run the chance of getting into a match where your side just wants to sit at spawn and wait for the match to end. Not a great experience. The list of these circumstances is long and pitiful.

  11. Hmm, just an impromptu idea for Blizzard, how about something blurring the lines of WoW, CoD, New graphics engine and animation style. Keep the best aspects of each game and create something as new as possible while still building off of what was agreed to be what made the other games so popular. Maybe something like the structure of wow as far as building groups for content like dungeons etc then add in a Hard Core option that also turns on friendly fire with only one high level item after the boss dies, but make there be an rng effect with a chance of the chest only being able to open when the bodies of all but one player are stacked on a pressure plate. Or something crazy and new that you never know how it will play out. The classes could be based around more realistic characters IE: Snipers that actually have to use first person like they are playing CoD and they would do DPS based on using correct weapon for the environment along with looting epic ammo like exploding or armor pen. Then have a new class that specializes in martial arts as a melee dps, allowing those that don't like the first person play an option to play in 3rd person? there are so many possibilities out there. This is just off the cuff, and then toss in AI and you have npc's that can actually build a more realistic and meaningful bond with players. Have the open world gameplay play similar to GTA even lol.

    Wow as it is needs to end, so that the upcoming devs and creators can have a chance at another revolutionary game that brings something fresh to the table like wow did over 20 years ago. Something that keeps kids from becoming what their parents want them to become and makes them forget what sunlight feels like on their skin. There is definately a path leading there right now if we can find it. Just my take on it. Finish Wow, forget the idea of WoW2, just salute it and all it's great memories as it gets lowered into the ground. Maybe say a few words, and then get to work as a community and think tank the next big thing. I'm excited for this next era of gaming with AI. The things that can now be done will challenge our understanding of what is possible in a game very soon. Once it does, it will happen again soon after, then again, etc… giving us a golden age of gaming. Or it's gonna kill us all. meh

  12. why does it have to be a reward to play with potential new players? use your expertise and be nice instead of being that elitist always looking for minmax. Ever since legion I feel like, elitism has just grown to be a large problem

  13. Kind of easy fix… Slow down… The game, The Progress, The Classes … WoW in current stage is basically a FPS game… One miss click and you might be dead… The difference is how do you get better in FPS game? playing more, while you play one game after another one… and over time you get better… WoW let you reach max lvl in 3h, playing some HC dungeons (which are super easy, nobody cares what you do), Delves which are solo content and frankly too easy on the lvl which matters… And then you're dropped in M+ where every one click matters and moreover the are stopwatches… How the hell can someone learn how to play wow in 10h playing time… basically any game… The levelling journey had reasons… to teach you how to play your class… Elite quests showed that you're not as strong as you might think… and dungeons taught you that pulling one more pack means you run for next 5min (at least)… It prepared new players for the EG… So people knew at least the basics then they could build on them…

    I know that the time changed, that means the format needs to change as well, HOWEVER, the principles should persist… If we have super fast lvling, maybe slow it down just a little bit so people can at least try the spells they learnt… and create the EG journey to teach players how to play their class… Emulate what we did 20 years ago, with new adaptations…

    And the most important thing ever… THE GAME HAS TO BE CASUAL-PLAYER-FRIENDLY… It doesn't matter what's happening in M+15 and 2k+ rating… it doesn't matter for the game… The game has to be friendly and fun to play in M+5-7 and rating 1.6k-1.8k … That's the meat of the game…

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