When it comes to 11.1 classes and all the changes the new patch brings, it’s hard to make a decision for a main after watching an 11.1 tier list from early testing on the ptr but like many of you, we’re looking at other specs to potentially play in the new patch! 11.1 mains and alts is always a hot topic for us so today, we’re discussing some preliminary choices that could potential become mains in patch 11.1!
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I play quite a few different classes right now mostly pugging. I’ve found that getting into groups as an enhancement shaman is way easier than most classes.
What I would love to go back to and main is slayer fury. It’s a lot of fun and I love high demand classes like outlaw, enhance and the old school fury. If they don’t address warrior a bit more I’ll likely go back to outlaw or enhance again.
That shelf in front of the window bothers me, but with it also not being centered, it would really make me crazy if I had to live with it.
Once a Paladin always a Paladin!
Stickin with Rstro Sham
I've been trying out Survival and it is so fun.
I plan on changing game for something else as im not doing these crap dungeons.
Im a boomie main, it's rough to be soo bad in raid and know that there is a 0% chance of buffs bc M+ is so good on a boomie.
If you look for a healer, hit me up for 13/14 keys 😉 im a mistweaver looking for a team
Until now as unholy, never seen my damage below frost dk in myth dungeon😂
My new main is……not WOW.
once survival always survival
I dont like augumentation but like the idea of buffing class. It would be sooo nice to have more class choice for that.
Changed game …😅
I always come back to Boomkin so I will just stick to it
Outlaw rogue just need a little buff to be in reach with assa. Not that high dmg isn’t possible but the malus when you drop the very random rota became of movement, is a problem.
But it’s so much fun when it’s works.
Restro druid we're coming back! Nvm what ppl say!
Nope for better or for worse Shadow is my main
Blood Dk 🫡
Not sure u can call it ur main if you keep changing it every major patch
Current main is feral, season 2 I’m planning on playing a dps spec that gets invited to m+ groups
I love Druid fantasy just wish it got a little love in each spec. Tank is cool, easy, but feels boring. Balance is cool but needs too much work to pump the same numbers as some other dps. Same with feral. Besides feral just feels like it’s missing something to help its identity/ class fantasy. I feel like breaking away from combo points aka rogue and giving them a fresh new feeling kind of like how monks have combo points but feel nothing like a rogue.
I was excited for BM pack leader because I thought it could be like summoning more pets through other spells. Bummed me out and haven’t had that much fun. Would have been to summon pets like crazy after collecting and naming them after all the pets I have had and my parents had when they were growing up.
Although im dedicating more time to the game now, i decided my Main is going to be ret paladin. I play other games when i get bored of wow and so be able to play a class that i can kind of just jump into that isnt super complicated is my speed. Plus given the direction storywise we're going i feel like a Blood Elf Paladin makes alot of sense. my only thing is i wish i chose ret in DF instead of shaman so i couldve had a chance at getting the Legendary axe T^T now im going to have to wait until the raid is soloable
I'm a Shadow Priest main and am contemplating a switch. Looking mainly at Hunter – not sure on spec, or Shaman – Enh/Ele. Problem is I really want to face Xal'atath as an SPriest though… especially after Legion with the Black Blade.
play what you want cause things get buffed and nerfed so fast it mind blowing
Shaman absolutely should have an earth element based tank spec
I just switched to Survival Hunter (from a Mage) and I’m having an absolute blast. I plan to continue with it going forward 🙂
haha thats a clip of my outlaw rogue at the start thanks guys!! <3
I ended up maining bm hunter i love playing bm hunter. I started tww with ret pally then moved to shaman before the 20th annoversay patch. And once the 20th anniversary patch came. I bounced from toon to too. Couldnt figure out who to main. Ultimately i lvled a warr, a dk, a monk, a rogue, paladin and a shaman to lvl 80, my dh lvl 79 but ehh, and druid lvl 72, but then lvled my hunter to 80 and i enjoy my hunter grew him to 606 ilvl so far
My main is my goblin outlaw rogue. I’m very excited to see what awesome ideas and loot we get from the undermine.
Melee no good, increase range please
Slinky Lizard lovers unite! 🦎
Still gonna main my blood dk, and main alt my feral. Those 2 are my all time fav specs and doesn't matter how much they get gutted I'll still play them
Holding my breath to see if they will do some changes to healing/tanks and make healing fun again, otherwise I am just going to continue with my mage.
Looking forward to possible 11.1 rework to see if they cook any of the specs, but I have so much fun with my WW goblin I doubt I’ll be changing, but as an alt why not. Hope they make hero talents more fun for the WW, as now they are really meh. Counduit is amazing theme wise, but isn’t nowhere near fun to play with current tuning and they way some of the nodes work. Shado is turbo ass, but atleast it boosts dps somewhat good. Shaman is fun and if they fix gearing and m+ in 11.1 I am gonna alt it for pve with something else perhaps. And DK pvp because it feels so good to play themewise and is really fun in RBGs