In the midst of a conspiracy involving delivery routes and vast riches, a few more clues illuminate the unknown…
Video Footage:
– Blizzard Entertainment’s World of Warcraft (2004-)
– Some images retrieved from Google Images. Utilized under Fair Use.
Background Music:
– “Dun Morogh” from the WoW OST
#worldofwarcraft #wowclassic #seasonofdiscovery
Outro Music:
– “Watch Me (Live)” by Greta Van Fleet
Jediwarlock 2024
I really enjoy these videos delving into mysteries and conspiracies I had no idea about. I should give Classic a go some time – I feel like I didn't appreciate the world as much as I should have before Cataclysm came along.
An entire genre of grasping at straws. Guys I noticed that there's a CRATE behind a tree in the barrens! Does this mean the cult of the damned was going to plague the tauren one zone over?!?!?! Stay tuned for several minutes of inane rambling speculation about fucking nothing from a 20 year old game!
This is the attention to detail I pray is given to Classic+ development.
This series was very good. I love when you find hidden gems like these. It bring this game to life for me so much more, and that is even after all these years of playing it. Thank you so much! I look forward to more.
I like the idea that some folk are smuggling riches out of the treasurey in case the dark iron take over. Adds to the feeling of the bronzebeard elite being on edge
Love these videos
Try using the eleven labs voice generation to make cool sounding npcs, would be really cool to see
Great video as always Jedi! Love Dun Morogh, hope to see more on this kind of stuff soon. 🙂
Jedi! Can you make a video about The Argus Wake? Cultist group associated with the Syndicate.
Small details like these are what made the WORLD of Warcraft so incredible when it first released.
A much of this subtle storytelling and worldbuilding is lost with the new iteration of the game.
The last time I felt this connected to the WORLD of the WORLD of Warcraft was in Pandaria.
5:18 rumors of the princess being kidnapped en route to Redridge Mountains would make a lot of sense. The path from Dun Morogh to Redridge has you go through Blackrock Mountain and there's a quest in BRD to save her. Pretty neat
Jedi! i feel like we could've used your help with the Felcycle puzzles assuming you weren't already involved in the secret finding discord's efforts to solve it. your curious nature and hunger for piecing together secrets and mysteries would be perfect for the community
@1:29 I can tell yer not a dwarf laddie! Brewing the perfect stout is of utmost importance!
Counterpoint: I would honestly believe that they would use rare and powerful metals to create a bear-proof strongbox. Bears are… pretty good at cracking things open.
Absolutely love your stuff
Not mentioned – in that quest you don't retrieve the box but you do open it and it does just have meat in it. Its a fun story to come up with though!
Happy holidays Jedi. Love your theory videos. Best WoW channel
What's inside the thorium lockbox? "Meat". Soruce: trustmebro
Like I would believe that. Who uses thorium of all things to lock meat in it! AND THAT YETI IS A DARK IRON IN DISGUISE!!
So wait.. he has stored meats for months but went out to hunt deer? Was a seasoned mountaineer unable to bring back something to eat? He said he will starve without the box but he is at least willing to attempt hunting the local wildlife. Very strange indeed
Keep cooking. 🙂
This is excellent
Ohhh, Tundra MacGrann! That quest is one of my favourite little hidden things I've stumbled across
5:50 didn't think there were lore implications behind this.
Jedi Friday! Hope you have a Merry Christmas my friend. 🙂