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bro puts title 7 things to do before 11.0.7 and starts talking about content coming in 11.0.7
uuuh lvl new alts, amazing advice im sooooooo impressed i found nothing useful in this video
When does the Anniversary Event end? You say “really” soon.
The anniversary isn't gone with 10.0.7.
People are looking forward to more Plunderstorm? Are you sure you're not alone on this one buddy?
WoW feels fucking dead and just a grind
Honestly, it's not seven things you should be doing but one: unsubscribe.
should we save our Catalyst charges?
Uninstall and Unsubscribe?
yeah lets just leave dead racials alone like arcane torrent…. and focus on the weird races that next to nobody plays.
Do you have to complete the campaign i have ignored it entirely lol
nah, just cancel sub
They just announced tuning for next week too!!
I have to say – with the MOP feature earlier this year and numerous time walking pushes? I REALLY don't need to level up another character. I have dozens. To the point I should probably delete loads.
i just want to play a horde dk dwarf but noooo
So the season delves thing is not needed to worry about for now. Only when the next season content comes out. Cool cool.
No time to do any of this! I gotta grind out battle pets to get a green motorcycle 🙃
1. cancelling your wow sub, the game is dead.
wow head shows that anniversary event stays until january six?
They said "this will be the starting point for season 2" in their blue post. Does this mean thats when season 2 will be starting? Does it mean season 2 will contain the changes to gaining crests? They need a lesson on how to communicate effectively
I was first