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EASIEST OPAL and MYSTIC GOLD camo unlocks in BO6 Zombies (Tips and Tricks)

This is the FASTEST WAY to unlock OPAL and MYSTIC GOLD camos in Black ops 6 zombies on the Map Citadelle Des Morts!

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Vulture Aid Augment Guide:

Lion Sword Upgrade Guide (Solais) – Citadelle Des Morts

Terminus XP/GobbleGum Farming Strategy:
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The fastest way to Camo grind in bo6
easy opal and gold camo in bo6 zombies
camo grind tips and tricks bo6 zombies
Opal Camo in one Game!
Time Stamps:
00:00-00:26 Intro
00:26-04:54 Perk/Augments setup and SIDE EE’s
04:54-07:12 Mystic Gold/Opal Camo Tips
07:12-09:02 Sam Trials Strategy
09:02-10:22 Tips and Tricks
10:22-11:22 Outro

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  1. To help with opal if u pick up the light sword then drop it again those 4 parasites will spawn every round. After round 13 if u just train those parasites every round, after about 45 seconds they start turning into doppleghasts so its a guaranteed way to get 4-5 every round

  2. Nice vid and strats buddy. Ive just been doing the liberty falls directed strat. It still takes awhile. I got two of my smgs opal and an AR gold in about an hour and a half. Wasted a lot of time trying to get the smg i needed out of the mystery box other wise it would be faster. Takes about 45 to get the 30 special kills for opal and at least 1000 headshots simultaneously. I'll try what you did here tomorrow.

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