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Pointless Top 10: Crocolisks in World of Warcraft

Crocolisks in World of Warcraft | Pointless Top 10
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  1. This has something to do with the secrets of azeroth i bet. Tock is under the bike. And is a croc. Another part is in the booty bay thing. I'm telling you something has to do with this video.

  2. for a brief time during MoP you could do a glitch tame on the Sha-corrupted crocolisk and keep the special appearance, you can no longer get it, but people that tamed them that way got to keep theirs, I still have mine in my stable

    I don't bring it out much because these types of effects on pets can be fragile and wiped away by any buff-clearing auras

  3. Deadmire from Dustwallow Marsh was my pet for many years. When they changed how pets work and re-did the families and their spells, he was no longer as tough as he once was.

  4. Love this so very much! When I first started playing WoW, during the BC era, my first character was a troll hunter, and, like you Crendor I wanted a 'different' pet – so while I was doing the Kron's amulet Quest (this is not in retail any more, but is still in classic) I tamed my Crock and named him Fang. He still is one of my most memorable pets. I love that this list started and ended with baby Crocolisks. While in Shattrath though I feel that an honorable mention should have gone to the daily quest "Crocolisks in the City" – and the resulting FOUR pets, their names are awesome, and I have a memory of getting all four of these guys back in the day [Chuck, Muckbreath, Snarly, & Toothy] It took me FOREVER to get the last one, but I was so very happy then I did. I also personally like Rotgrip – the optional boss in Maraudon – many a great memory of jumping down into the water to get that one with my friends.

  5. Fun fact: crocodilians cannot chew and tend to "death roll" to rip chunks off to swallow, but if they can, they will just swallow their prey whole as death rolling attracts other crocs and possible competition.

  6. One thing I think we all need to appreciate more is how World of Warcraft actually has real virtual ecosystems with apex predators in the water and on land, megafauna, and small animals. This is what makes World of Warcraft a world first, game second. The fact that you can go into marshlands and tropical waters and see crocolisks is what makes WoW special. As someone who encounters alligators on a regular basis and know a lot about Crocodilians (taxon order of Alligators, crocodiles, etc.), I love this video.

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