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Retail WoW Is Saved! New PvP & Class Balance Changes!

Blizzard just hit us with some brand new class and pvp changes on retail World of Warcraft!

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  1. They nerfed Aug but buffed warlock, and left shadow priest, bm hunter, feral Druid, and outlaw rogue untouched.

    PvP is “saved” now lmao, 3 people on Aug can’t have fun anymore and the OP tournament winning specs are unchanged or buffed.

    Don’t get me wrong, Augs 1 shot was busted and needed tuned down, but they do less constant damage than Pres evokers can and they didnt compensate with buffs outside CDs like living flame.

    Now the spec is trash all together, not just trash with a 1 shot.

  2. can someone tell me how Totemic is remotely better then Farseer even now? Farseer is prob the best mana healer in the game and totemic is the legit opposite ? i play Totemic is im oom in 5 mins. Farseer my team mates just die while im at 70% and the disc priest enemy is at 5%

  3. The fokin clickbait…… 😂
    " Retail pvp saved "
    U cant be that simple dude, still bloated pvp, still massive queues, still gear progression, still dumb healers who should not exist in pvp at all… Wow pvp is plain dumb.

    What a true pvp player want is simple.
    Login, create char, dress it at a vendor for free , queue and join under min. U know like a tournament realm and while at that … rework classes and dumb healers so we dont have healing at all and queues are instant.
    Not wait for 30 min to play 10 after u grind ur gear for weeks… Wow pvp is for ppl that are horrible in literally every other pvp game period.

  4. Shaman needs Stoneclaw totem back that would help them so much at higher ratings. Resto druid needs rejuvenation buffs. It hasn't healed for anything ever since they introduced Germination.

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