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Pantheon Wild Rift Gameplay
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I like that the bro doesn’t upload only wins
8:20 🥶🥶🥶🥶
bro i honestly am a fan of your videos , but as top 1 pantheon in other season ( i quit few season ago ) u have to learn few thing to make pantheon easier , He can carry games. k u must know the combos to jg clear and that's go like this ( empowered w , auto atk , shield , 1st abi > that will get empowered too 😉 ) You can gank lvl 2 mid by clearing red buff / raptors and gank if he's gankable ofc ) i saw u do that on your invade i liked it ) 2. When they rushing drake u need to go in with ult when the objective is 3.5k dmg , Time it correctly and q smite should always steal it. I reccomend proto belt to catch enemy off guard. with flash / proto / stun. Never be afraid of engaging with pantheon , u said they could hit you before stun , That's only when u on the range and they are not stun. like lee sin stun cd was off that's why he killed you. When u engage with enemy make sure u have 4 stacks so when u stun the enemy the empowered q is next. ( Which deal the most demage ) empowered w is fine but the 1st option is better ;p , Also when you go in and u see u are fked cause basically whole family showed up lol , u can stun / auto atk , q , shield ( flash ) by this to escape is better if u have enpowered shield for movement speed ( but this why i suggested protobelt too ) too chase enemy u can also use your empowered shield for movement speed and catch them up.
To have success with him , u need to play him like assassin. the less they see ur engage the better. Also ulting lanes is very important ) watch map and there is always opportunity to perfect ult.
dud, u r the cause to lose
Tragic but still incredibly interesting to watch lol
Play the new garen number 1 player build, its DISGUSTING
Ravenous hydra
Sundered sky
-side items
Black cleaver
Thorn mail
Dead mans plate
I have played 10 matches, I won 8 and only lost 2
2:01 his E heal him But the game doesn't say he does
Any Kindred gameplay?
Finally using my main champ😂
Early gank😂
Bot lane diff.
this was the lowest elo of the High elo rank 😂
day 11 of asking for full crit garen til christmas!!
Welcome to how the matches are for the rest of us most of the time (under Master rank). The player base is horrible, most toxic and disgusting community i have ever witnessed in gaming (im including Pc LoL here too).
Everyvody thinks they are a 1v5 god and give up when they die 1st time in a match and start to troll.
These players are the ones who play Teemo, Caitlyn, MF etc in Baron Lane, who whine for tanks to be played and even want specific champions and if you dont play what they want, they throw the game.
Riot needs to really look into this and severely punish this behaviour, it's intolerable.
Please play Akshan
I don't play ranked anymore i just play a pvp game for fun , rank is so tilting with these brain dead players , the matchmaking is also trash .
2:40 and 3:02 Cast and cancel empowered E to gain move speed.
Watch Hell playing rank >>> play rank by myself
Day 27 of asking for a sett or yone video 😭😭
Bro please stop making videos i have to study rn💀